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What is the Real Life?

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goodlife | 08:58 Wed 26th Sep 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
52 Answers
Would you let yourself starve to death? Poison yourself? Challenge someone to a duel from which neither of you could hope to survive?
“No,” you say, “I’m not crazy.”

What, then, do you think of a world economic and social system that lets good food rot while millions starve? Or what do you think of nations that pollute earth’s environment while arming themselves for nuclear war?
A decade ago the vogue was to blame society or the establishment for the world’s insane conduct.

But the Bible points of a detailed description of what conditions will be like on earth at the time God will intervene. It says clearly that a number of outstanding things will be seen by people and that the very generation that sees this ‘sign’ will also see the end of wickedness and the start of a peaceful new world. So you can judge for yourself and see if you too can see these things happening? Because even a child can understand it.


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Could all this recent rain be washing away our sins so as to lead to an cleaner and more peaceful new world?
/a number of outstanding things will be seen by people/... oh no..not Kate again?
The Bible also says that armageddon would take place during the lifetime of the apostles, something it manifestly did not (unless you are suggesting Nicholas Parsons might be the undying "Doubting" Thomas Didymus?

Many evangelical Christians also point to verses in the Bible as justification for rejecting global climate change and point to the fact that God gives man domain over the animals in defence of continuing to hunt species near to extinction. Those same evangelical Christians in the USA almost exclusively support the rightwing Republican Party, which is responsible for the economic system you appear to deplore.

I fail to see that your conclusion is in anyway convincing, but just in case I was in error, I just asked a passing child and they said you were talking nonsense.
I think that the world needs to seriously consider how it wishes to apportion various resources to the global population. That means a radical rethink of the current political system, or future generations may very well face a future of wars over dwindling resources, especially food, fresh water, and the remaining fossil fuels.

Even taking that into account though, I think the future is much brighter than it was say a decade or 2 ago with respect to the prospect of nuclear armageddon though, although there is still obviously a risk that some fruitloop with an agenda - almost certainly religiously inspired, going on modern history - might construct a dirty bomb or similar.

What will not help one jot is for everyone to sit on their backside and hope and pray for divine intervention.From what I have read and seen, most of the christian fundamentalists seem positively eager to experience the rapture -not a good mindset to approach proper stewardship, sharing and conservation of global resources - and you appear to have an equally rabid fanatical cohort of islamic terrorists who relish the opportunity of field testing their 72 virgins.

Fortunately, as global citizens, we can really on pragmatic self interest, increasingly civilised and more rational societies, and use of the scientific method to explore better or different ways of exploiting the world around us -hopefully a way that is better for the earth too.

If you wish to place your faith in god, thats fine, I guess - I prefer to place my confidence in mankind....
Incidentally, you should mark Jomifls answer best, on the basis of brevity, topicality, and cheekiness :)
Could you point me to the chapter and verse(s) which will tell me what the "sign" is, please, Goodlife?
'...a peaceful new world'. Wouldn't hold your breath then goodlife - you'll be in your heaven (or hell if you've gone and picked the wrong religion) long before that happens.
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Looks like another 'hit and run' christian nutter to me.

"Goodlife" the bible is a STORY BOOK full of myths and legends - lots of wisdom and some great quotes, but a STORY BOOK none the less.
Now smoke a spliff of some of god's great herb and chill ;-)
Why would one be crazy? Surely if people starved themselves or poisoned themselves, it is all in your God's plan.
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As mentioned before, humans are unable to foretell the future accurately, despite widespread concerns related to a new millennium. That leaves many frustrated, confused, or in despair.Man are finally confronting primary questions of existence. Who am I? What am I truly striving for? What is the legacy I leave for the next generation? They are struggling at mid-life to achieve order and meaning in their lives.

Yet in the light of what the bible say. Those who want to live for God’s new world cannot afford to fear what men of this world will think about them and do to them. Popularity with the world has never yet brought life and never can bring it; rather it brings enmity with God. (Jas. 4:4) When you abandon the course of this world and walk in New World pathways, the old world will range up against you in ridicule and hostility. Because you do not run with the world, yes they will speak abusively of you. Which is what happens on AB frequently! Yet this course of New World living is the right one and wins.
Do you actually understand what you are saying here, goodlife? It sounds like a load of misguided prattle to me.
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Yes to understand the Bible, one has to have the right heart condition, a sincere desire to learn, and a ‘consciousness of one’s spiritual need.’ (Matthew 5:3)
Goodlife, but you don't have a sincere desire to learn because anything that contradicts your beliefs is dismissed without investigation.
Is this the real life Is this just fantasy Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality

Letting food rot while others starve is not going to affect those not starving so the idea this is comparable to starving yourself to death, poisoning yourself or challenge someone to a duel from which neither of you could hope to survive, if, frankly, ludicrous. Clearly it ail on the first evidence, the fact that the human race has been acting much the same over the whole period it has existed and yet, here we still are.

In any case the views of the individual are swamped by those of the group and the group doesn't act rationally and we know of no way to change that.

Besides the issue of the starving is to do with settling in parts of the world that can not reliably support human life and the inability to work out the logistics of feed those who are there and continuing to produce further generations in such unsuitable places; not to mention the belief that it's not helping long term, and, sad to say, considered not a problem for those not there.

I don't think relying on some benevolent parental figure deity that does not make itself known, and believing what those who claim to have knowledge of it, says what it wants, and what it will do; is particularly helpful. Even most children will understand that.
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That what you think?
"Clearly it fails on ..."
>:-( >:-( >:-( >:-( >:-( >:-( >:-( >:-(
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Geezer @ Well Millions of people have a general idea about God. They say , although their actions often belie that claim.

So Correct thinking requires one to get the sense of knowledge and retain it, as Jesus explained in the parable of the sower. (Luke 8:15)
//So Correct thinking requires one to get the sense of knowledge and retain it//

Balderdash! Knowledge of any sort can be retained, but correct thinking requires the ability to separate reasoned knowledge from nonsense.
there would only be a peaceful world if there were no people in it.

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