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Finally, And By Special Request;

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Khandro | 00:12 Tue 15th Jan 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
122 Answers
Is a non-provable 'untruth' that makes a person happy, and gives a sense of well-being, not better than a non-provable 'truth' that makes a person feel unhappily jejune?
(please note the words untruth and truth are in quotation marks.)


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I don’t have a problem with John believing it to be true – he can believe what he likes – but I do have a problem when he tells other people it’s true – and expects them to believe it.
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n.; Ahh - yes!
Yes - and that's been said many times on these pages - but it doesn't address the question of whether or not you believe that self-delusion (there's that word again) is preferable to acknowledging reality, even though that may not produce the desired euphoria. Do you?
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n.; When you ask the question 'is self-delusion preferable to acknowledging reality?' you are attempting to place yourself, and I have said this to you before, in a position of neutrality, from which you believe you are able, with impartiality, to judge what is someone else's delusion. What you see as their delusion, they see as reality.
I'm not attempting to place myself in a position of neutrality - I'm looking at your question from a position of reason. They may see something as reality, but if it isn't reality, then it isn't reality. It's as simple as that.
Some say seeing is believing! That expresses the attitude that materialistic people today take toward God. Because they cannot see him with the naked human eye or with the aid of the most powerful telescope in use today, they do not believe that he exists; they cannot persuade themselves to believe that he is

It good to see not all people are like that, ignoring the facts can be easier than believing in God and his purposes. Many people conceive God to be what they want him to be, not what he really is. They ascribe qualities to him that he does not have, or take away qualities that he does have. They try to fashion God to an image that suits their fancy, while ignoring the facts that show what he actually is. ( Rev. 11:17, 18)
Goodlife, please don’t talk about facts. You don’t have any facts. You have no idea of what a creator God might be – or if such a thing even exists – and you have no business leading the gullible astray with your ridiculous fabricated superstition. I don’t need to see a creator God with the naked eye, nor even through a telescope – I would just like a little evidence of its existence, but that is something that neither you nor anyone else can provide, because none of you - not even the author of Revelations - has any.
I'm liking the work Naomi!
ll_billym, thank you. Goodlife’s nonsensical rambling is a prime example of Khandro’s non-provable 'truth’ that he appears to admire so much. Frankly, it makes me sick.
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n.; //Frankly, it makes me sick// Don't be sick, think back to Voltaire again; "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Khandro, in your efforts to defend the religious claptrap that’s written here, you appear to be overlooking the fact that Voltaire’s much quoted deliberation also serves to defend my right to declare my utter repulsion – and my unavoidable bouts of involuntary nausea.
So they who believe that man can get along without reference to God, it may be true that he tries to get along in this way. But does he succeed? It can be said “To alter Voltaire’s words, we could say that if Jehovah’s Witnesses did not exist, we would do well to invent them.”
Goodlife, // if Jehovah’s Witnesses did not exist, we would do well to invent them.//

They were invented, but whether or not Charles Taze Russell did well, is highly debatable.
Still trying to tie knots in jelly Khando?
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jomifl; welcome back to the madhouse. While you have been gone I've been troubled by questions like; If your car could travel at the speed of light, would your headlights work?
and need your guidance.

Well bless my cotton socks - this thread is still going strong after 8 days, who would have thought it??
Maggie, Skim down the list of questions - you find some discussions that have lasted a lot longer than 8 days. I'll pass on blessing your socks.
Khandro, don't worry, if your car could travel at the speed of light you wouldn't need headlights.
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Thank you jomifl, now where we ?
Khandro, that is either very profound (related to the speed of light) or a typo ;-)

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