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What Does Sharia Law Have To Offer Britain?

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naomi24 | 16:37 Sun 20th Jan 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
66 Answers
Keyplus, on another thread, has suggested that Sharia Law is the answer to Britain's problems. This lady, an ex-Muslim, would disagree.

What do you think?


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is this sharia Keyplus ? Ghoulish tho it is, it happened recently
Question Author
Tamborine, I can't watch that.
Nomi - Your detailed explanation about Sudan has only proved my earlier point that few people have come up whatever suits them and call that Shariah Law.

Then came your typical personality. When Boxy pointed out that Muhammad's (pbuh) Wife carried on with her business even after marrying him, that obviously did not suit your objective and straight away you changed that to another myth West are holding onto since the times of Crusades, Muhammad the warmonger.
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Keyplus, worm your way around it all you like, but don’t take people here for fools because most of them are far from that and they know exactly what is going on in the rest of the world. Sharia law in any guise is unacceptable to any civilised society.
Sharia is fascism and fascism only ever benefits the ruling oligarchy.
We do not know who is that person in that clip and why was he beheaded? May be he was a murderer or a rapist. At least he will not repeat his crime any more. Or would you rather have him wandering around on the streets again to rape your loved one or murder them?

Once you have watched that clip then perhaps watch this one as well. And remember this guy used to preach Christianity and used to ridicule Islam before he himself accepted Islam. So Shariah law or no Shariah law, does not make any difference because Islam is spreading and spreading fast.

////civilised society./////

Makes me laugh.

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Keyplus, your link doesn't appear to be working. Can you try again?

As for Islam spreading fast - you know the answer to that. You're kidding yourself.
For some reason, link is not working. Lets try once again,

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Keyplus, //Makes me laugh.//

I expect it does. At least people in the country you've chosen to live in are in no danger of losing their heads. You've got to be happy with that!

Off to watch your link now, if it works.
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What is it you're trying to post? Perhaps we can find it on YouTube ourselves.
Naomi - don't worry, whatever I am trying to post would not influence you.

One last time,

Question Author
Fair enough. I tried.
Mo has cursed you keyplus - wash your hands & you might be cleansed :)

ps the lady in the clip was a Phillipine housekeeper.
Sharia Law is sick sick sick!!!!!

I did watch that video as sick as it was! but never mind hey! the local turned out in their droves to watch the entertainment!!!

Disgusting people!!!!
Sorry, I was referring to the beheading video.
What do I think ? That the umpteen threads on this subject is giving this a credence that IMO it clearly does not deserve.
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OG, I don't think it deserves credence either, but it seems other people do.

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