There are millions of people who claim to be godless, atheistic, not committed to any god. But they contradict themselves by worshiping a national god, football stars, actors, politicians and pop stars. Just because some claim that God is nonexistent does not make it so. You need to look in the right places for things, even for God. Not having found Him does not alter the fact that he exists. So can it be that many people have been looking in the wrong places for him?
Lazygun@With regard to your comments re Henry Gee.
I have no need to apologise because I was not passing of his work as my own. If I was, I would not have been using his name.
My cut & pastes which you all so lovingly comment about are not always so. If I do, then I have permission to do so because the articles are not credited to anyone person. All articles are anonymous.
Are you all telling me, that not one single one of you has ever cut and paste? If you do, I tell you, “you are all liars”.
If my punctuation etc is not perfect, that is because I am not perfect. I admit my education was somewhat limited. Not all of us can be Grade A students!
But I am not on here to get certificates or commendations, I am here just to express my belief in a Creator and to give others to the opportunity of knowing that there is a God who cares and that he is very soon going to bring an end to the problems of mankind. If you don’t want to know, so be it. At the end of the day not one of you can say “I didn’t know. No one told me”.