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Gavmacp | 16:42 Thu 21st Mar 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
14 Answers
Could someone please explain this term?
When some friends and family have declared that they are homosexual people I know, that are practicing christians, will say that it is "Not Normal" or "Unnatural".
But what does these terms actually mean?
I support people with learning disabilities but taking the "natural" approach we would not support them.
There have been discoveries that homosexuality is not just found in humans.
I was at a religious meeting where they discussed homosexuality. The speaker said that they had discovered the gene that caused homosexuality. The suggestion being that in the future corrective surgery could take place. I walked out at this part as I was close to standing up and speaking my mind.


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I wish I could explain! Anyone who has ever lived in the countryside or has lived or worked with animals will know that homosexual activity is most definitely not confined to humans.

I find it at best bizarre and at worst downright sinister to talk about any kind of 'corrective' treatment. So would this treatment extend to animals as well? And doesn't it suggest that God rather messed up when he created the animal kingdom?
Treatment should be reserved for the homophobes so gay people do not have to put up with them.
relating to nature.
That exists and evolved within the confines of an ecosystem.

Contrary to the ordinary course of nature; abnormal.
Not existing in nature; artificial.
I would have indulged myself in a good old mind speak!! I hope that god was listening....after all she made us straight and anywhere in between.
Gav, in the example you give 'unnatural' is being used as a form of prejudice. As I've said before it never ceases to amaze me how many Christians are distinctly unchristian.
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I am not one to "debate" as it generally just ends up with people saying pretty horrible things.
But I have a lot of friends that are practicing christians and often here the term "Natural" or "Natures law". But when you discuss with them about "Nature" they then say something like, that religion is above nature.
As I have said I attended a meeting where they mentioned that they had found the gene that caused homosexuality. What scared me was no one could see what was being said. It all sounded like the stuff of Josef Mengele.
Gavmacp I have read your posts but I'm not sure what you are objecting to. Are you objecting to all gene therapy or something specific.

I know they are hoping to find the genes for a number of congenital diseases, e.g. diabetes , spinal bifida, heart malformation, some forms of deafness, blindness, autism , etc. etc. All these could be described as
Not Normal . Are you against all this type of research or only the homosexual gene.
Are you comparing our research gene medics Mengele ?
correction. //Are you comparing our research gene medics to Josph Mengele ? //
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I objected to the suggestion that homosexuality was an 'illness' and how it was presented in the discussion as something they could treat in the future.
But my main question was about what do Christians actually mean when they talk about something being 'unnatural' or 'Not Normal'.
If something in nature occurs, then it cannot, by definition, be unnatural. It can be common, unusual, bad, illegal etc but not unnatural. If you take what some people say about homosexuality being unnatural to its logical conclusion, then people who are ill should not be cured, operations should not be performed to remove your appendix, blood transfusions should not be given etc.
Of course we all know that there are some religious groups who think in this way. I have no patience with them.
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I don't really understand quite a bit of gene therapy. And I am unsure of scientist creating a 'life' however short lived. But I am a hypocrit and if it was someone I loved that had an illness then I may say 'create as many life's to do what you have to do".
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I grew up in the eighties and homosexuality was tolerated. I thought by now it would not even be an issue. But I read of American preachers that go to certain countries and preach hatred against them. Which in turn incites people to attack and kill homosexuals.
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In the case of the religious - Natural means pro-creation, so unnatural means any situation where children cannot be conceived. So think about where that takes you in terms of sterility, fridgidity, impotence etc.

Of course the bigoted only use that in one way but its what they mean.

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