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People Who Spend A Lifetime Crusading Against Religions And Their Followers

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MrLomas | 11:56 Wed 24th Apr 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
134 Answers
Have these people actually "walked" in the shoes of these religions they seem to spend all of their time and effort slating?

Surely you can only really judge them if you have been within them and know them inside out and have other religions where you've also walked in their shoes to compare them to?

I sometimes look around on the net and see people tirelessly and fiercely crusading against these religions but then see they have nothing to go on except hearsay, rumour and mass hysteria caused by shady media mediums and their uneducated peers, family and friends no less!

What are your views on these wasters of time and tireless crusaders?

Better education at a grass roots level?


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//Be careful what you wish for though goodlife - the very last thing that the evangelising religions should want is for the general public to take and objective and serious examination of the bible//

Yes indeed. Goodlife does seem rather reluctant to discuss the bible with those who have examined it objectively.
Can a Muslim ever claim to know God? I doubt it. I imagine that philosophy, from an Islamic point of view, would be highly blasphemous. Where did you get it from?

From a History of Maths [and Science] Professor specialising in Islamic history -- but it's quite likely that I've mis-interpreted what he was saying to some extent. Perhaps not "to know God" but to know "His works".
As an aside - I think some people need to understand and accept that when people say something that refers to a massive proportion of people, and is something that they literally cannot possibly know the numbers of, that its a given that they mean 'most' or 'majority' - not 'every single one' of them - because that would be a silly thing to claim to know.

No matter what widely encompassing statement is made, there will always be some people that think the opposite, and disagree with the majority.

it is obvious that there are very few things that can be said that actually do apply to every single person, so there is no need to pointlessly 'counteract' every single comment with an argument along the lines of 'Yeah but not all ...' etc

because really, that's a given - and there should be no need to pepper every response with lots of clarifications - as there simply isn't the time, space or need.
Joko, another aside. If a post is intended for a particular reader, it helps to include a name. I've no idea who you're talking to there.
The easy way, of course, would be to throw your lot in with the majority, but following the crowd is indeed a poor choice to make. History shows that when it comes to serving God the majority have regularly been wrong.
But, history shows us that in the past the majority were religious - they faithfully followed and believed in the teachings of their religion. You agree they were wrong to do that?

What does that say about your own slavish devotion to your own religion then, goodlife? How do you know that JW are right and Catholics or Muslims, for example, wrong?

Whats your evidence?
Goodlife, //History shows that when it comes to serving God the majority have regularly been wrong. //

Can you elaborate? Do you mean the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses when they regularly got the expected date for the end of the world wrong?
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/History shows that when it comes to serving God the majority have regularly been wrong. /
I think your statement doesn't go far enough. History shows that ALL who serve god have ALWAYS been wrong, since there is not a jot of evidence of his existence.
Who has the authority to set the standards of right and wrong? That question was raised at the very beginning of human history. (Genesis 2:9)
@goodlife You asked this question;
"Who has the authority to set the standards of right and wrong? That question was raised at the very beginning of human history. (Genesis 2:9)"

And the answer is simple - humanity does.
Goodlife, //Who has the authority to set the standards of right and wrong?//

Golng by his well-documented record certainly not your God. If he were human, in the interests of public safety, we’d lock him away in a secure unit for the mentally ill for the rest of his days!
goodlife //Who has the authority to set the standards of right and wrong?//

Reality sets the terms from which morality must be established based on that which sustains and promotes the existence of entities with the capacity to consider and weigh the consequences of various alternatives. Ultimately, reality is the final arbiter of right and wrong in how the consequences of our beliefs, choices and actions become manifest in reality.
Who has the authority to set the standards of right and wrong? That question was raised at the very beginning of human history.

And those who decided to claim that authority invented a god that they supposedly happened to have the inside knowledge of His will.

Religion is nothing more than an example of arbitrary rule by a totalitarian, fascist oligarchy that is far more interested in maintaining its power than the welfare of the believers who support their lavish lifestyles.

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