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People Who Spend A Lifetime Crusading Against Religions And Their Followers

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MrLomas | 11:56 Wed 24th Apr 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
134 Answers
Have these people actually "walked" in the shoes of these religions they seem to spend all of their time and effort slating?

Surely you can only really judge them if you have been within them and know them inside out and have other religions where you've also walked in their shoes to compare them to?

I sometimes look around on the net and see people tirelessly and fiercely crusading against these religions but then see they have nothing to go on except hearsay, rumour and mass hysteria caused by shady media mediums and their uneducated peers, family and friends no less!

What are your views on these wasters of time and tireless crusaders?

Better education at a grass roots level?


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But, Naomi, what is goodlife going to do? No need for any more watchtower cutting and pasting, nobody to convert , no-one to look down on sanctimoniously. I guess he will have to be re-trained and get a C.V. together. Any suggestions for Goodlife's post armadeddon career welcome, its going to be a tough question epecially with him lacking education ar a grass roots level.
Perhaps Lion and Lamb (sounds like the name of an East End pub) attendant, or is that only in paradise/heaven?

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Naomi, You don't respect other peoples views at all. If it doesn't conform with your atheist views then "it must be tosh" [your words]. I've seen you in the past accuse people of faith 'cherry picking'. Isn't that what you do also?
You pick all the negative things that go on in the world. Are you trying to tell us that atheists never commit evil? You never mention all the good that
is done. When's the last time you helped someone less fortunate than yourself. Not everybody who believes in God partakes of the atrocities you
mention. There are always going to be bad apples in religion and atheism.
Cupid, goodness! Where did that come from? And ‘they’ say atheists are aggressive! As far as I can see, little of that has anything to do with this thread, but if you insist on rambling at least get your facts straight. Those are not my words at all. I said that your claim that //We are all of us on a journey searching for answers and the meaning of life.// is tosh – and it is - because we’re not.

And that’s not the only thing you’re wrong about. I respect views that warrant respect. On this occasion yours do not qualify.

//When's the last time you helped someone less fortunate than yourself.//

Mind your own business. My private life is private.
Naomi, it wasn't a personal attack on you. You're always asking people to explain why they believe and you always have a clever answer. yet when I asked you what have you done for humankind you clammed up and said it was private. I wasn't expecting you to give me a list of charities you give to or what you do to help the less fortunate in your community. Just a generalisation would have sufficed.
Scroll down a bit goodlifes last utterence is there, nothing original again!
Cupid, //Naomi, it wasn't a personal attack on you.//

Oh really? So all these things that I personally allegedly say or do is your idea of attacking a philosophy, is it? I suggest you read it again.
Baldric, looking at that I spotted this heading.

'Are Jesus’ Statements Accurate?'

Jesus' statements might have been - that's debateable - but the author of that page would appear to have gained his information from a source unknown to the rest of us.
All I can say to that is;

The truthfulness of some of Jesus’ statements needs little explanation.

Damn, now I'm doing it!!
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Cupid, I'm also an atheist, I do a lot of things for people less fortunate than myself, I work full time looking after such people, these people have severe challeging behaviour and myself and other staff are pbysically attacked nearly evefy day. Outside of work along with my disabled partner we visit residential and private homes visiting mentally and physically disabled adults and children, We also nurse my partners mother who is bed bound and has dementia at 96 years of age and living with us, we are currently in the process of selling our home to set up an animal assisted therapy unit again to help these people. So Cupid, please don't assume that atheists do nothing to help others less fortunate.
Birdie, thank you very much. I appreciate that.

Ratter, you don’t need to justify yourself to anyone here – least of all to the hypocritically godly.

Only those who help others for the wrong reasons wear the sanctimonious badge of pious self-promotion. Perhaps AB should add that one to its award scheme. There'd be several takers - and very holy they are too! ;o)
I know Naomi, it does irritate me a little when I hear these people assume that you have to be some sort of believer in some God to do any good, it really is nonsense. I also realise that these people will never be convinced!
as people are not born believers, they are therefore atheists until they are told otherwise

if you are only good because god has told you to be, or you will go to hell etc, then you are not truly good.
its easy to be good if you are in fear of the consequences of not being


because they are only people who do good things, for no reason, for no reward in heaven, no fear of god or hell etc - but for no others reason than they WANT to be.

sorry goodlife and keyplus, but by your own logic, you two must really be horrible rotten people.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. That's just arrogant, and misunderstands most religious people. Those few who are good just because they are terrified aren't really being good, to be sure -- but that represents such a tiny minority of religious people as to be a terrible point. Most people, even religious people, who are good, are good because it feels nice to be good to others. Not for any cynical reasons.

It's arrogant to assume that somehow you are "better than them" because you are an atheist and they are not. In point of fact, most charities are still set up by Christians/ other faiths, and there tends to be a greater number of people working in Charity who are religious. If that's for cynical motives, it's a) rare anyway, and b) hardly as important as the work they do.

A more important question should be why does it seem to be that people who are religious tend to be more likely to give to charity than atheists? Or, why should it need some promise of eternal paradise to motivate people to do good work?

Anyway, it's a false claim to imply that religious people are "less good" than atheists. False, cynical, arrogant and yes, even insulting.
Oh Jim, learn to understand sarcasm ...

i was saying it to make a point, and to turn their idiotic assertion that atheists cannot be good, on its head.

of course i don't believe a word of what I said above - because that would be idiotic - but i wanted to see how goodlife and keyplus etc answered it!

but way to jump in and ruin it ...
On a text message board, there is no sarcasm - it's impossible to tell if someone is being sarcastic or not. So it's not always the reader's fault.
Oh come on Jim! Joko's post was clearly tongue in cheek!
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