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People Who Spend A Lifetime Crusading Against Religions And Their Followers

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MrLomas | 11:56 Wed 24th Apr 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
134 Answers
Have these people actually "walked" in the shoes of these religions they seem to spend all of their time and effort slating?

Surely you can only really judge them if you have been within them and know them inside out and have other religions where you've also walked in their shoes to compare them to?

I sometimes look around on the net and see people tirelessly and fiercely crusading against these religions but then see they have nothing to go on except hearsay, rumour and mass hysteria caused by shady media mediums and their uneducated peers, family and friends no less!

What are your views on these wasters of time and tireless crusaders?

Better education at a grass roots level?


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I reserve the right and obligation to defend myself and other victims from the arbitrary beliefs, assertions and actions of those who claim to speak to, on behalf of and dictate and enforce the alleged will of a preferred and deleterious delusion.
^^^^What he said :-)
^^^^ Me too. (°L°)
MrLomas: //What are your views on these wasters of time and tireless crusaders?//

Are you referring to the JWs?
-- answer removed --
Each to her or his own. How many people have the time to research each and every religion?
Do not really understand your question.
So all religions are correct? Surely all are founded on hearsay?
"My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend!"
oh yeah, lol!
It may be irrational or prejudiced but I do object when one poster refers to other posters as people. We are not his people but individuals who have a right to our opinions.
we all have free will Daisy to choose our own way in life. I hate being called stupid because I don't conform to other peoples beliefs or should I say unbelief!
cupid, I would always respect anyone's belief. Just not sure of my own.
Daisy, I wasn't having a go at you. I hope you find what you are looking for.
We are all of us on a journey searching for answers and the meaning of life.xx
Thanks cupid. xG
Life is just a bowl of cherries.
Sweet or sour?
lol DaisyNonna - picture both varieties in their original form - beautiful blossoms
Excellent advice Wharton. Both have their place in the culinary world.
All have their place in our world.
yep I see many people accept the opinions of others and repeat their ideas like parrots rather than taking time to examine the facts,that sounds like a really good representation of a atheists religion.
Goodlife, tell me 'the facts'. What happened on that first Easter?
MrLomas, I've walked in the shoes of religion - but study healed my infected brain - and hence, my shoes no longer pinch. I'd recommend that remedy to anyone who finds themselves afflicted.

Cupid, //We are all of us on a journey searching for answers and the meaning of life.//

Tosh! I'm not searching for the meaning of life. I'm here, I'll live my life, and some day I'll die. What's to search for?

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