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People Who Spend A Lifetime Crusading Against Religions And Their Followers

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MrLomas | 11:56 Wed 24th Apr 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
134 Answers
Have these people actually "walked" in the shoes of these religions they seem to spend all of their time and effort slating?

Surely you can only really judge them if you have been within them and know them inside out and have other religions where you've also walked in their shoes to compare them to?

I sometimes look around on the net and see people tirelessly and fiercely crusading against these religions but then see they have nothing to go on except hearsay, rumour and mass hysteria caused by shady media mediums and their uneducated peers, family and friends no less!

What are your views on these wasters of time and tireless crusaders?

Better education at a grass roots level?


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That last sentence wasn't terribly coherent. I basically meant that I agree with the idea that you should "know your enemy".
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"Do I need to become a paedophile to understand it is an evil practice?"

How you jumped from a religious question about religion to paedophillia is to be quite frank very worrying and totally uneccessary to make a point which it still doesn't do in no way, shape or form.

A few of the answers here are actually quite unbelievable.

Let's stick to the topic or topic related points next time please people.
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/How you jumped from a religious question about religion to paedophillia is to be quite frank very worrying and totally uneccessary to make a point which it still doesn't do in no way, shape or form. /

This directly addresses your OP

/Have these people actually "walked" in the shoes of these religions they seem to spend all of their time and effort slating?/

What if they haven't?

Your OP proposition is that unless someone has 'walked in the shoes' of someone with values and beliefs they disrespect they have no grounds for criticism.

So do you only criticise those whose shoes you have walked in?

If so, do you refrain from criticising, for example, paedophiles?

Or have you in fact? .....

O dear, now THAT is worrying
"Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his sandles"
Because, then, you will be a mile away and you will have his Sandles
i hardly think that discussing an issue on an internet forum is 'tirelessly crusading...'
@ MrLomas - In you Suarez post you infer that unless posters critical of the lightness of Suarez' punishment for biting an opponent themselves participate in a "fast paced and adrenaline packed competitive sport" they have no basis or grounds for criticism.

Here, in your OP you criticize those who reject the absurdities of religion, claiming they have no grounds to criticize unless they have an intimate knowledge of that religion and its culture,which can only be gained from being a member.

Both propositions of yours are entirely absurd and fail even the most basic of logic tests.

You seem to have developed the patronising tone well - do you have anything useful,original or interesting to contribute, or do you spend all day basking in the glow of your own imagined superiority?
Guilty or innocent many wonder as they hear reports about some court case. Judges and jury members may try to be honest, but does justice usually prevail? Have you not heard of injustice and inequities in the judicial process. Such injustice is not new, as we see in Jesus’ illustration found at Luke 18:1-8.and that my judge.
Just scroll down a bit, ^^^^^ it's all there, nothing original as usual!
MrLomas - try changing one word of your third paragraph.

I sometimes look around on the net and see people tirelessly and fiercely crusading for these religions but then see they have nothing to go on except hearsay, rumour and mass hysteria caused by shady media mediums and their uneducated peers, family and friends no less!

It works both ways.
My reply referring to shoes and shoe shops may have seemed trite but there was a serious argument contained in it. ie If a religion is based on the existence of a deity, which has never in thousands of years ever been demonstrated or proven then it safe to assume at least until such proof comes to light that the religion is without foundation or credibility. That said any further discussion of the matter is pointless and a waste of time (except as an amusing diversion) no matter what kind of shoes you are wearing.
Right, Mr Lomas - I see you have no answer for me. Even though I have answered you by showing that I have indeed walked in the shoes. For far too long, I might add. I might also add that your word "uneducated" does not apply to me either - I have studied at postgraduate level, I have learned many languages and I have read at least forty books on religion and atheism. My "peers" are not uneducated, either. Most of them are members of respected professions.
I am not influenced by "hearsay, rumour and mass hysteria" since I have balanced all the arguments and made up my own mind on that basis.
As I say, I have answered your points, now is the time for your response to my points.
You think your clever lot, then they say atheists have nothing to offer.
Unless it's plagiarism goodife, you have nothing to offer.
Considering how greedy and immoral TV evangelists are, and when you see how involved with politics religious leaders have become, then you see how some religions have just been murderers no wonder many people ask "Is there a God?"
Haha, MrLomas - I assume your lack of response, and the fact that your 'argument' has been pretty much torn apart by numerous people here, means you have realised that you should have thought a bit harder about this post, shouldn't you...?
Haha Oh dear.
"You think your clever lot,"
No, I don't go round thinking I'm clever, but Mensa says I am.
I use my brain for the purpose it was meant for - thinking. Not just accepting what preachers, imams, rabbis, bishops and gurus tell me to think.
And as for scripture, you show me a bit which supports you, and in the same book I'll show you the opposite.
Goodlife, I don't think I'm clever, I'm just more wiser than you! What do I have to offer? The truth, that's it!

What do you offer, you spend your time trying to convince people of this fanciful idea of an invisible man in the sky that you believe in without any proof at all of his existence, then you try to preach all the lies and nonsense written in Bible, You have no idea what the truth is Goodlife and you have nothing to offer!!

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