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chrisgel | 19:45 Sat 08th Jun 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
25 Answers
Just though I'd share this video and see if anyone found it as beautiful as I did.


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I loved it, it made me laugh. Pity he had to use the f word so much but I suppose he was illustrating his points. I haven't noticed many women adhering to the letter of the bible, even if they knew it was there. I know I never did.
22:39 Sat 08th Jun 2013
Very funny. You gotta love the bible!
Grotesque !
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Reasoned responses indeed.
Chrisgel, It’s factual - but it’s certainly not beautiful. The presentation is ugly and undignified.

Maggie, I know you’re not au fait with the bible – that has been established - but the man in the video is speaking the truth. He’s given you the references, so if you think he’s wrong, look them up - and get back to us.
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Naomi - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My post must surely have been recognised as tongue in cheek.
Personally I found the earlier post of the young boy as ugly as sin. It made me squirm with embarrasment to be honest and I was berated by Maggie for being rude to Goodlife. Talk about double standards.
Do I protest when I'm told I will be going to hell. No because I don't believe in hell. But just point out to a Christian that they're not following their own Bible and everyone throws a hissy fit.
Chris, yes, I did realise it was tongue in cheek - but since I wouldn't like people to think that all atheists present their case as he does, I thought I should make my point. He's no role model, that's for sure! ;o)
I loved it, it made me laugh. Pity he had to use the f word so much but I suppose he was illustrating his points. I haven't noticed many women adhering to the letter of the bible, even if they knew it was there. I know I never did.
Maggiebee, I find your response to be disrespectful.
I'm sure you could have used a different word or way of phrasing your disagreement, disgust etc.
Society, she can't argue it rationally or with any authority. She doesn't know the bible.
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A beautiful parody of 'bible belt' preaching.
I hope it was a parody :-)

(what would Dot Cotton do?)
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Jomifl - Nothing more certain to produce a rant than a man who thinks he's wasted half his life believing a fairy tale.
I described the presentation as grotesque but I now see that I should have seen the beautiful minimalistic command of the English language which has over one million words. Such vociferation portrayed with a finesse that just left me speechless.
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Modeller - There are as many types of atheists as there are people. From your studied reasoned and gentle approach, which I admire greatly, to the other extreme such as this video. I could have posted any one of a 100 videos on the same subject but I thought, wrongly or rightly, that we don't see much extremism from atheists on here and also to counterpoint the extreme sickly sugary post regarding christians.
I'm sorry if it offended your sensibilities but the video is factual and makes it's point.
//I'm sorry if it offended your sensibilities but the video is factual and makes it's point. //

It may be factual but did it // make its point // of getting that message across. Had it presented those facts in a reasonable manner I would have gladly joined the discussion but not a moronic pub brawl.

What is the likelihood of a Theist thinking about those facts as presented ? It is more likely it would confirm their belief that we Atheists are hard line and lack sensibility.

Maybe you have a video ( same message ) that is more sensitive to those occupying the centre ground. Mind you ,having said that , not many people who know me, consider me a centrist when dealing with religion.

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Ah! I see you're determined to be offended. C'est la vie. There's room enough for everyones opinion on here including mine. Thanks for the comments.
I’m not ‘offended’ by this video. I am only ever offended by that which is aimed, unfairly, at me on a personal level. The word ‘offence’ is much abused and is very often the first resort of the weak argument that seeks to silence the opposition. Whilst the presenter of this video does not represent the content of the bible in a way that I would describe as intelligent and dignified, his message is factual - and offended I am not. However, for those who do abuse the word, this conveys the facts in a less ‘offensive’ manner.

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