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Should Falsehood And Corruption Be Exposed?

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goodlife | 12:44 Thu 04th Jul 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
67 Answers
And they say honesty is “the best policy. So why is it people love lies.


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Goodlife is obsessed by the idea that the people of two thousand years ago and more had insights that far exceed the knowledge we have available today.
Beso, sounds like a real bargain if i can get my order in just before I snuff it.
Indeed he is.
// ’Polycarp then gazed at the vast crowd of lawless pagans filling the stadium //

Were Millwall playing at home?
Unkind to pagans Ludwig
This is not only the best answer to this question, IMO - it probably is a contender for Best Post in Category :)

"// ’Polycarp then gazed at the vast crowd of lawless pagans filling the stadium //

Were Millwall playing at home?"

Mind you I quite like Joms "paste-master" too in reference to Goodlifes usual posting practices :)
I enjoyed beso's "an an extra bonus we'll give you the Holy Ghost".

In answer to the original question -- yes, falsehood and corruption should be exposed. But I think it means different things to you and me...
Quadratus was not up with the times. He was just a square. ☺
latin puns - ouch.
Imagine the puns I could do if I had a cyrillic keyboard
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I like the utterly unchallenged assumption that lies are always bad.

Knowing in advance that I'm Godwinning myself, if Nazis had knocked on the door of someone harbouring Jews would it be good or bad to lie that there weren't?

If a child gives you a sh!t painting and asks whether you like it, is it good or bad to say that you do?

A mother killed herself while in the throes of post-natal depression after a child's birth. If that child asks what happened to their mother, should you tell the truth?

Your four-year-old asks where babies come from (a question mine asked last weekend). Do you tell the truth?
My four year old knows where they come from. She doesn't know how they get in there though!
I remember asking my mum how babies got out because they seemed bigger than would be possible. At the time I had though it must be through the belly button.

When I did eventually find out how I still thought it seemed bigger than would be possible.

God was definitely a man, ;)
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For your lack of Bible knowledge, the expression “Ten Commandments” is not found in the Bible. Instead, it speaks of them as the “Ten Words.” (Ex. 34:28; Deut. 4:13; 10:4) In the Septuagint version they are termed the déka, meaning “ten,” and lógoi, meaning “words,” from which we get the name Decalogue for the Ten Commandments. Fittingly there are ten of them, a symbol of completeness. And from the rest of the Scriptures we learn that Jehovah God used angels to transmit them through Moses to the sons of Israel( Ex. 31:18)

However, it is of interest to note to you lot that none other than Martin Luther once said: “The Ten Commandments do not apply to us Gentiles and Christians, but only to the Jews. If a preacher wishes to force you back to Moses, ask him if you were brought by Moses out of Egypt.” The reformer John Calvin felt the same way about the Decalogue or Ten Commandments.—Abbott’s Bible Dictionary.

And, time and time again Paul stresses the truth that the Mosaic law does not apply to true Christians. Thus he likens it to a “legal curtain” or wall separating the Israelites from other peoples, which the sacrifice of Christ did (Eph. 2:14, 15) So you see some the lies you lot love.
The Bible is a of manure that aught to be ignored by all.
come again
The fact that your god required the painful death of anyone to atone for any perceived sins indicates at least two things.

One, God is not forgiving. True forgiveness is given without anyone suffering.
Two, He is a sicko.
But if we are not to take the 10 Commandments as our guide through this vale of tears, then what?
@Goodlife - Who was your last post directed at? If it was referring to Birdies allusion to you breaking at least "2 of the 10 commandments"?

I find your answer both inconsequential to your OP, and extraordinarily self important. You presume a lack of knowledge of the etymology of the 10 commandments, then proceed to lecture us on the difference between a decalogue and a commandment. Regardless of their etymology, they are commonly known as the 10 commandments, and again regardless of whether they are actual commands or just "suggestions", they contribute to the founding principles of christianity.

And what you seem to be saying, if I understand you, is that these commandments do not apply to you, they only apply to the Jewish people? Wow, what a defence against the charge of lying; You can lie if you wish because you are not forbidden to by your god? Is that your argument?

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