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Does law of the Christ mean that God has changed his standards? No. Just as a parent will adjust the rules he makes for his children, taking into consideration their ages and circumstances, so with today of true Christians
What is a law, for the most part, do you not see this has do to benefited people with a measure of security, protection and order and an opportunity to earn a livelihood.
And Jehovah knows this. And because government by man is far better than anarchy, God has permitted earthly governments to operate for thousands of years. God made man with a desire for order and with a conscience to distinguish right from wrong.
With most of the nations of earth have embodied some of these principles in their constitutions. In the Bible book of Romans, chapter two, verses 14 and 15, we read: “Whenever people of the nations that do not have law [that is, a law direct from God] do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves..........
That is why most governments have generally set out with good intent. They have tried to serve for the benefit of the people. They have written constitutions containing fine ideals and principles. And yet, whatever their measure of success, governments everywhere today recognize that the human race is far from enjoying a world of security and peace. Why? God’s Word, the Bible, gives the answer and, far better, it gives the promise that the joyful living conditions of a united world are certain to come, by means of God’s own kingdom, his government for all mankind, and that is why you learn the hard way.