As modern Hebrew and Greek is far removed from the ancient languages it would be very difficult for a translater of modern languages to say what a word actually means.
The Hebrew word bethu·lah′ means “virgin,” but another term ʽal·mah′ appears at Isaiah 7:14. There it was prophesied that “the maiden [ha·ʽal·mah′]” would give birth to a son. The word ʽal·mah′ is applied to the maiden Rebekah before her marriage. (Gen. 24:16, 43) Under inspiration, Matthew used the Greek word for “virgin” (par·the′nos) when showing that Isaiah 7:14 was fulfilled in connection with the birth of Jesus. The Gospel writers Matthew and Luke state that Mary was a virgin who became pregnant through the operation of God’s spirit.—Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-35.
Joseph was surely a spiritual man who appreciated the privilege of becoming the adoptive father of the Messiah, despite the fact that Mary’s firstborn son would not be his own.
Modeller//God's voice coming from the heavens, no one else heard it ?
Only Jesus ! //
John the Baptizer heard God say of Jesus "This is my son, ..."
At the transfiguration, John, Peter & James were present and heard the voice of God.
The third time God spoke was four days before the death of Jesus, God spoke and multitudes heard it.