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The Atheist Experience Television Show

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beso | 12:35 Wed 23rd Oct 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
43 Answers
Check out these guys.

Goodlife needs to ring into this show.


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I think they've ignored the free will bit haven't they?
Oh, and then there's the bit at the end... Oops!
Christ's sake, is she annoying or what?
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She is certainly annoying to anyone who hasn't thought about the nature of morality.
As an atheist who has thought about the nature of morality, i still find her annoying.
I find her quite annoying as well, and he's needlessly aggressive.

I'm not certain this shows anyone in a good light, even if they are on your team beso.
Fairly entertaining though!
As an atheist, I find I simply don't have these moral arguments with anyone - including my wife who is a practising Catholic.

I find religion is something that doesn't reach me, and that's fine - and if other people want it, cool, we all share the rock.
The host's have all the power in this discussion. It is one sided and and stacked in their favour. Although I agree with them, it achieves nothing.
Free will? where did that come from, not the bible surely?
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They have many other episodes on Youtube, some with different presenters.

In another one the caller also claims that the show is stacked in favour of the presenters. However they successfully demolish his arguments.

Of course they come out on top every time because the case put by the religious callers don't stand up to analysis. Such is the nature of beliefs held on faith alone.

I find it interesting that some of you find the woman annoying. I suspect that there is a significant element of sexism that is adverse to a woman who can confidently present her case. If you don't accept this then do tell what is that makes you find her annoying but him aggressive.
This video makes an important point, that in choosing another as ones moral authority, one has not escaped from ones own moral responsibility to know and determine right from wrong simply by virtue of having made such a choice. For as long as one has the freedom to choose whose or what principals to live by it is inescapably and invariably ones own responsibility for that which they choose and the consequences that follow.

Ultimately, one can not relegate ones own responsibility to think, one can only attempt to deny the fact that its was they who themselves chose not to, and that, my friends, the refusal to acknowledge ownership of one's own mind and its content is the most fundamental and basic immoral choice from which all subsequent immoral choices and actions follow.
Beso, if you are going to accuse people of sexism then you have a responsibility to back up your claim with intelligent evidence.

We're all ears.
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You tell me why you find her "annoying". You have simply made a statement without backing it with specific detail. Now you accuse me of not backing what I say.

It appears to me that she is very good at arguing her case, cutting straight to the core of it. I have watched other episodes and she is always extremely astute. Clearly she is very intelligent.

Such traits in a woman annoy some men.

Why did you not find him annoying?
beso, I find her voice annoying, it grates with me. As for him, i didn't find him annoying but perhaps a little smug.

Now please back up your claim of sexism.
I found them both annoying, especially her. She wouldn't let anyone speak without interrupting them and just repeated the same point continually.
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