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What Do The Faithful Have That The Rest Of Us Don’T?

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naomi24 | 19:20 Mon 13th Jan 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
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With no explanation, Goodlife is constantly telling the ‘poor’ atheists here that they have nothing – and today Khandro said exactly the same. I'm curious. Just what is it that these chaps think they have that the rest of us lack?


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Sore knees
19:21 Mon 13th Jan 2014
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Khandro, Most people here recognise plastic grapes - and sour ones. ;o)
You think you know, but all you are wrong, although denials of God’s existence have been sporadic throughout history.

It is only in recent centuries that the popularity of atheism has spread. Do you know why?

One reason they were no longer satisfied with the promise of rewards in heaven; they were demanding a better life on earth.

So they began to lose their faith in the supernatural. Indeed, most Enlightenment philosophers held religion in contempt. In particular, they blamed the power-hungry leaders of the Catholic Church for keeping people in ignorance.

Whether you have observed the hypocrisy of religion or not, many atheists simply cannot reconcile belief in God with the suffering in the world, even much of human grief gives evidence that humans are the misusing their God-given abilities as well as the earth itself.
And if you think atheists feel that man can -get along . . . emotionally . . . without reference to God. Not so?
The evidence shows that man is religious by nature.

All civilizations throughout history have featured some system of worship, so much so,even atheism had become a religion .

Why do I have fellowship with higher critics of the Bible and atheists whose writings can only tear down?

Why do you feed your mind upon the folly of senseless people who have said in their hearts: “There is no Jehovah”? (Ps. 14:1)

Why, well the world has its intellectuals and its elite to whom people look for answers to such profound questions as the origin and purpose of life and the destiny of mankind. But what insight and guidance do Atheism have to offer?
Simple nothing,and I don’t say that, I know.
Atheism has no guidance to offer because it's not actually there to provide guidance. The single and only thing that atheism means is "not believing in a God of any kind". No morality, nor world view, beyond this is implied.

Still, it's not difficult to see that you ought to be a good person regardless of the promise of eternal life. Which isn't even a promise anyway, since by your own view 144,000 of the entire human population that ever has existed or will exist will make it in anyway. Given that there are already >144,000 JW's, I'd say the chances of my making it in are about 0 independent of whether or not I suddenly believe in the JW's version of God. The positions, as they say, have been filled already. So what's the point?

Also, why else might it be the case that as our understanding of the Universe and how it works increases, the number of religious people has fallen? Go on, have a guess.
GL of course you know, doesn't everybody?
GL - "But what insight and guidance do Atheism have to offer?"

As jim has correctly pointed out, atheism has no responsibility to justify itself, it is an absence of belief, not a belief that is alternative to yours.

That is why you spend hours of your time finding tracts to cut and paste to back up your arguments while myself and other atheists do what all atheists do - enjoy our lives unecumbered by this endless need to pursuade others that we know best.

We don't - because we don't care.
That's an interesting missive, andy-hughes, and while I have no argument to present one way or the other, I would simply ask if, as you state "...while myself and other atheists do what all atheists do - enjoy our lives unecumbered by this endless need to pursuade others that we know best..." is true, why is it that exactly the opposite is displayed in htis (and other) thread?

This post has gone on for a mind numbing 125 posts (at the time of my entry) and yet the same a-theists entries populate the majority of offerings, no? Additionally, the same posters self-congratulatory 'post-it-notes' most often show up on similarly structured sub-topics.

Time was when a difference in world-views could be rather politely, if some times passionately, discussed with little of the rancor always displayed here (sooner or later, at least).

Seems any discussion always devolves into a voluble 'slanging' match that offers no chance of actually presenting any colligate solution... a syncope producing effect that causes any thinking person to depart the premises.

Look, being a colonist, I understand that the powers that be have attitudnal fixations on those who are not ... well... Brits, so we tend to maintain a low profile. I used to participate here, but it just became to tedious and produced nothing thought worthy from either side. Disagree? Just take a gander back through 125 previous posts... same back-slapping "we showed them a thing or two" cliqueishness that always dominates the conversation.

Have a nice day, though!
I came back to see if you had all agreed to disagree - but, nah!

Live long and prosper
I have myself, and my family, what more do I need?!
mty friends have blind faith I can only think it gives them comfort to think there is an higher being----- a lot of tosh especially Catholocism with all abuses in the name of faith how can anyone believe
"If the intelligent magpies have left them then they can't be worth eating."
"Most people here recognise plastic grapes - and sour ones."

Both observations worthy of Aesop's fox.
Actually, those who gathered them, found them neither sour nor plastic, but very good indeed.

Faith does not have to have a religious connotation. I have faith in my ability to achieve things, and faith in my family. If people need religious faith to help them in life, who am I to say that they cannot, as much as no one can (or should) not say that I cannot believe in what I wish to believe?!
I can not speak for other atheists because we are not a faith but speaking for myself I don't condone mass cruelty and killing by God but you believers in the bible do.
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Jim, the point is, according to Goodlife, that even though those 144,000 places in heaven are spoken for (and many already filled - allegedly), the remaining ‘True Christians’ will inherit a perfect earth devoid of anyone but Jehovah’s Witnesses – ‘cos his God will have killed the rest of us.

Andy, I beg to differ with you. I care.

Clanad, If believers ever offered a direct answer to a question instead of constantly complaining – we’ve had three of those on this thread alone ….not that I’m saying that borders on the ‘cliquesque’ you understand – heaven forbid! ….. perhaps the result would not be quite so mind-numbing to you. In this instance a simple and reasoned answer would do, but as yet, that hasn’t been forthcoming. We’ve had cries of ‘faith’ from two of our contributors, but since I, and I suspect others here, do not understand why a lack of faith makes an atheist ‘poor’, further explanation is required – but that hasn’t been forthcoming either.

Spoonboy, //If people need religious faith to help them in life, who am I to say that they cannot, as much as no one can (or should) not say that I cannot believe in what I wish to believe?!//

Spot on! People have a perfect right to believe whatever they like – unless their belief affects anyone else. That’s where their ‘rights’ stop.
Thanks for the clarification on the views of JWs. Still barmy in my opinion, not least because the thing that made Earth imperfect in the first place, apparently, was humanity. So how Earth can be "perfect" as long as we are in it I have no idea!
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Jim, We won't be in it. We'll be dead.
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.... but the JWs will be here .... being 'True Christians'.
Even true Christians are imperfect, though, no? So wouldn't the problems start back up again, because of free will and all that?
Clanad, I so agree with what you said. I had started to type a very similar response to Andy about 20 minutes before you. However I did not in the end press submit knowing the response it would elicit. This is an area where some of the non believers (unfaithful?) seem to have a remarkable passion for something they profess not to believe in.
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I assume 'True Christians' only exercise free will in so far as they choose to worship and obey their master without question - hence no problem.

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