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Do you not know that the very name “Easter,” is of pagan origin? Rather than being a Christian celebration, Easter is pagan, with roots deep in ancient sex worship. If you stop and think about it, all the traditions connected with Easter, reflect fertility.
As to your comments at 12:12 yesterday.
He did not command Abraham to sacrifice his son, he asked him. But he knew that Abraham was a faithful man and that he had faith God would resurrect his son. Why do I know this? Simple, God promised Abraham that through his seed all nations would bless themselves. If Abraham killed his son, he would have no seed, therefore the nations would not benefit. Common sense if you look into the Bible deeply.
With regard to Job. Jehovah again knew this man had faith. Although he allowed Satan to test him, he was not allowed to take his life. At the end of the day, Job had everything returned to him, even another 10 children so in the resurrection he will have all 20.
God sacrificed his son Jesus, Jesus in fact willingly did so. Do you not think that a person like Jesus could not have done something to avert his death? You of little faith. You have absolutely no idea of what God is like. You do not know him and with your attitude you never will!
Beso@ I do not pick and choose bits. I take the whole Bible. In fact Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only ones who take the whole Bible and not bits. The Hebrew scriptures point to the Greek Scriptures and if you really study the Bible, and I mean Study, the depth, breadth and width of each scripture, you will see no contradictions as many say, and the whole Bible is a Book completely in harmony with itself in all its parts.