It's a pity this thread went off course, on a point of pedantry but it was worth it because I share Jim's frustration at seeing scientific terminology, with very specific meaning and usage (scientists' lingua franca, if you will) being used by those who only meant it in its other, more colloquial, sense, or to lend an air of credibility to some flaky idea which doesn't deserve it.
The shorthand, Jim is to enquire whether they mean Joules/Watts or whether they mean 'spirit energy'; 'crystal energy'; 'earth energy' or anything else on the 'cosmic, man' spectrum.
Naomi's story is fascinating (I've read a fuller version of it, on AB) but the 'missing hour' thing is more closely associated with alien abduction type stories.
Why is it never 43minutes, or an hour and 35?
Last question I asked her was whether any of the visiting friends had a reputation for being a practical joker but I cannot recall her reply. Therefore, I would like to repeat this question, for the benefit of this thread.
I've never seen or heard any ghosts. Any weird experiences (eg objects moved, gone or returned) I usually put down to either normal forgetfullness, the onset of premature senility (gulp!) or the phenomenon known as 'gaslighting' (see wikipedia), the latter being the most disturbing possibility.