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A Dark Ancient Warning About A New Caliphate

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naomi24 | 13:42 Thu 10th Jul 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
40 Answers
Not a question – but for anyone who has doubts about the intentions of ISIS, a concise but factual article, simply written.


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Good article Naomi - thanks.
I love the idea that our western civilisation is in a similar fix to the waning Byzantine Empire.
The Arabs and Byzantines battered each other for 700 years at huge mutual cost, and at an intellectual cost to the west - it became heresy to possess non-Christian texts.
All things must pass, and maybe this is the pendulum swinging again.
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Good article, naomi - fender may be right about capacity, but the countries need to act now, if history isn't to repeat itself.
Extreme Muslims may think we're living in the Middle Ages, but it doesn't do to follow suit. Look at Rowan Williams...
Americans and the West are arming these same people in Syria but are agianst them when it comes to Iraq. What a good joke. And yes, don't forget with our help Iraq is a better place now than it was under Saddam Hussain.
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Indeed Keyplus. An unfunny joke.
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Just as an aside - last year a friend of mine who was going through a mid life crisis decided her forename was boring and she wanted to be known by an interesting and unusual name.
She changed he name by deed poll to Isis
(true story)
That is interesting naomi. I was not aware of the difference between the tow major factions Shiites and Sunni and why they are deadly opposed to each other :-)

As for history repeating itself, it often does and no one learns the lessons.

Do I think Isis will take over the world - unlikely

Do I think it will get worse before it gets better - probably

We are best off just leaving them to it, you cannot force a "just" regime on a people who are not ready to take it on. The change needs to come from within just like it did in the middle ages in Europe.
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But in that ambition they'll be no more successful than the 19th Century Christian Missionaries who risked the cannibals cooking pot to try and make the world a Christian place.
fender you are right - not too dissimilar to the crusades which was mostly about converting the world to Christianity ;-)
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That's a great article. Thanks Naomi.
////problem is isis have an agenda as do most other islamic fundementalists, to make the world islamic,////

How many non-Islamic countries have been invaded by any Muslim country in say, last one hundered? And how many Muslim countries have been invaded in comparison? If you can count upto ten then this should not be a difficult one for you.
As for that article and problem between Shia and Sunni, how many Shia and Sunni were killing each other before we invaded Iraq? I think if I ask a simple question that how many of you ever heard of Shia or Sunni before Americans decided that it was time to occupy oil? It is divide and rule policy used by British people centuries ago and are being applied by Americans now. But it will neither make anyone safe because this world has shrunk now and you can't set someone else's house on fire and sit and say that we are safe and this fire will not reach our own home.
We ignore this at our peril.
keyplus i can show you one place that has been invaded

if you would have said to people in the fifties and early sixties that there would be a mosque down nelson street and all the shops on the main road would be owned by people from other countries not one person would have believed you
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