If Jesus ever existed, other than as a minor anti-Roman nuisance, then the Old-Testament-based fruitcakes must not have heard of "his teaching" (Greek actually approx 300 A.D.).
As an atheist, my problem with the King James version of the bible is that the nonsense-tales are told in what I regard as beautiful english language, even all that begatting stuff.
That, unfortunately, gives it an air of truth to the unquestioning mind.
RATTER15, in your reading of Genesis, who witnessed the events and wrote them down at the time one wonders.
I love and agree with janbee's post: "All religions are the same, just some a million times worse than others". You a George Orwell fan, janbee?
All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others.
I have pondered for many, many decades whether a self-contradiction can be true e.g. janbees truth of "all being the same but some different" being an example. I think that is acceptably true as he/she means they all preach a falsehood but some go OTT, I presume.
Kind Regards,