I come from a christian family that has been deeply involved with the Salvation Army since it was founded, My grandparents knew William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army) and attended his funeral.
I was a Salvation Army member and attended the meetings and played in the band with my brothers and sisters until the age of about 12 when I was attending bible study classes. It was at these classes that I would ask my teacher the Salvation Army officer at our Citadel, also my cousins, about things that were contained in the Bible. He really didst answer many of my questions about some of the bizarre things contained in the Bible. Then at School I was being taught about Adam and Eve and how we were created, in one lesson, and then how we evolved from mud dwelling bugs and evolution in another lesson, and I thought, they cant both be correct!
So on looking at both sets of ideas, the only one that made any sense at all was evolution, I then started looking at the Bible in a new light, it then occurred to me that the Bible really does make very little sense and could not possibly be true. So I closed the door on that belief all together. Then life started making a lot more sense.