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Atheist Authors/broadcasters Talk Rubbish….

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naomi24 | 18:23 Tue 15th Sep 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
112 Answers
….. a cry often seen on these pages – and this from a week or so back.

//I find that the propaganda spouted by such as Fry and Dawkins is just as gibberish rubbish as you think the bible expounds//

If someone asks me why I think the bible contains nonsense I am happy to tell them and to go into detail if necessary, but I asked the author of that gem to explain to me what precisely these people say that makes their opinions “gibberish rubbish”, and was met with silence.

In the hope of obtaining an answer from him or from anyone else who thinks the same I’ll throw the question open to all.



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Interesting. Many years ago I began to write down my objections as to why I couldnt believe in the bible (it was cathartic for me to do so...clearing out my own indoctrination). A christian acquaintance of mine read it one day and asked if he could borrow it and he would come back with his reply. I happily agreed.
Some time later I asked if he had read it and had he got a rebuttal to what I had written....
Turns out that he had shown it to someone at his church. She took it off him, read it and promptly torn it up declaring that it was....rubbish and of the devil. Ah well, lesson learned. Never expect a reasoned debate from a fundamentalist.
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Or never hand your work over without first taking a copy ....

What a cheek!
////Or never hand your work over without first taking a copy ..../// LOL
This was in the days before the internet became common place as well, so no quick referencing on a keyboard. It was all done with a lot of reading and note taking.
As I said, lesson learned ;-)

Great question though, would love to hear from a religious believer as to why Dawkins et all talk rubbish.
Wouldnt hold my breath though.
Does anyone else find it interesting that those first to play the 'devil' card are the very ones making the best case for its existence?
Whatever opinion anyone holds that person should be prepared to explain why they draw their conclusions.

To dismiss such eminent individuals such as Fry and Dawkins and not offer a counter-argument just exposes a lack of credibility.

Some theists will conveniently hide behind the claim of 'what's the point?' for fear of being ridiculed.

It's a tantalising question for sure and it will be interesting to observe if anyone get's anywhere near the level of intellect of messrs Fry and Dawkins....
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In this Guardian article writer who was a fan of Dawkins thinks he has lost the plot
With reference to 'The God Delusion' - a book which turned a rather average scientist into a very rich atheist ..'the worst thing Dawkins did in his book was to misquote Robert M Pirsig out of context. "When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion." (p. 28)
This is not what Pirsig said. Dawkins apparently does not know what Pirsig believes; or perhaps he finds it convenient to ignore it. He is citing Pirsig's second book, Lila, but proceeds to ignore much else that Pirsig believes.
Pirsig stated clearly that "sanity" for him represents conformity to cultural values. Being "sane" then is not necessarily to be in touch with reality; and to be "insane" is not necessarily to be out of touch with reality. (p 381-85)
Pirsig also stated that his goal in comparing religion to insanity is "not to undercut religion but to illuminate insanity." (p. 433) He also states that "an insane delusion can't be held by a group at all. A person isn't considered insane if there are a number of people who believe the same way. Insanity isn't supposed to be a communicable disease..." (p 432)
His approach to insanity is opposite that of Dawkins.
Pirsig's view of insanity is more nuanced than Dawkins' view, and to misquote Pirsig is perhaps the lowest blow Dawkins has resorted to in this book' Without God, Dawkins would be largely unemployed, so it seems to me gibberish for him to call into question the existence of his employer!
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Khandro, //'the worst thing Dawkins did in his book was to misquote Robert M Pirsig out of context. "When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion." (p. 28)
This is not what Pirsig said.//

I’ve googled this and if it is not what Pirsig said there are an awful lot of people committing the same error. It appears Dawkins didn’t misquote him.

//He [Pirsig] also states that "an insane delusion can't be held by a group at all. A person isn't considered insane if there are a number of people who believe the same way.//

I can’t agree with him there. Among others, think David Koresh and his followers.

Enough of Pirsig’s philosophy. Back to the people in question.
naomi; I've given chapter and verse and yet you still say " It appears Dawkins didn’t misquote him." Why do you say that?

As for your feeble attempt at evasion; "Enough of Pirsig’s philosophy. Back to the people in question." I haven't left them, by his clear falsification of another's statements in order to try to prove his views, Dawkins is clearly talking "gibberish rubbish" examples of which is what you requested in the OP.

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Khandro, I told you why I said it. Dawkins hasn’t misquoted him - and I’m not attempting to evade anything. Had Pirsig produced something that might answer the question, fine – but he hasn’t.
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If you want "gibberish rubbish', Wendy is the girl to provide it.
And this is some gibberish rubbish from buffoon Stephen Fry
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Grasscarp, got to agree with you there. That is ‘gibberish rubbish’ – but hardly admissible as evidence in the context of the question asked here. Do you have anything more appropriate to offer?
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naomi;//If you want "gibberish rubbish', Wendy is the girl to provide it.//
Very likely, but I won't bother to watch - as I most certainly don't want it, I can get enough of it on here.
The sole person requesting it, appears to be you.

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