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You live in a world without answers or good news. thousand years of human history have proved that. Nor has this present dazzling world of science come up with answers to the pressing questions hanging over the head of this generation.
Consider a few of the many.
Why the of honesty, lack of integrity, religious hypocrisy, collapse of the family, divorce on any whim, neglected children, no natural affection, selfishness, rudeness, me-ism, sick sexual perversions, revolting child molesting, spreading violence, increasing lawlessness, international terrorism—on and on the listing could go of things for which this world has no answers. It has a bumper crop of questions but a crop failure of answers.
How aptly Jesus foretold this very time in which we are living when he said: “On the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out”!—Luke 21:25.