Well now, if what keyplus90 says about leaving Islam is true then a lot of people have been murdered because some people cannot read Arabic. What kind of a God would make a mistake like that?
To be honest, for 20 y,ears I have respected Islam, etc., etc., with my pupils - but it has now become ridiculous. I used to try to argue logically, but they seem to have got past that. I bow out and form my own conclusions -which are not happy or coincilliatory.
I am not picking and chosing. Its you who have picked one verse but ignored the one before that which gives you the context. However that is the normal way of a few people when it comes to religious books. And one more thing, I don't believe your given translation was even from Quran form any authentic source. It looks more like as someone has put it together because word "Jihadist" does not exist in proper transaltion. It is rather a media formulated word.
The newer verses abrogate the older verses.
As his syphilis and mental illness got worse so he made up worse fairy stories for his half-witted followers.
Svejk, /As his syphilis and mental illness got worse so he made up worse fairy stories for his half-witted followers. /
It seems that syphilis originated in the Americas so could not have predated Columbus in the Old World. Mohammed's madness must have been caused by something else.