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No coffee in those days.
What else?
"In the last days Mochas will come". Peter 2?

Are you affiliated with the Church of the Latte Day Saints?
Question Author
Latte ? Nice one VET.
Theland, //Read your bibles you clever people then you will access the same stuff as me.//

In order to access the same stuff as you we would need to resort to the inane ramblings of that doyen of dubious Christian wisdom, “Got Questions?” Wake up and smell reality, Theland.
Question Author
O.K. then.
Direct me to another source of respected theologians that can help unravel different bible passages.
And by what authority do you dismiss Got Questions?
What theological qualifications do YOU have?
Apart from a high and mighty self image that is.
Hmmmm….. tetchy, but as to be expected I suppose. No unravelling of bible verses needed to understand why the State of Israel exists, Theland. A little common sense will do it.
the ahove statement presupposes that the passages are there to be unravelled, and have some sort of hidden meaning.

they may not

even th ones that tease: unravel me!
// No unravelling of bible verses needed to understand why the State of Israel exists, //

o mi god - zionism without the bible...
oh well this is early and it is AB .....
Clearly too early for you, PP. Your imagination is running riot again.
Theland, I'll ask one more time. Have you viewed the vids I posted. You know? The ones that debunk your beloved biblical prophecies?

Viewed the vids yet Theland?
Would be interested to hear your take on them.
(Your take, not someone elses)
I might be asking for a bit too much there^^ to be fair.
Question Author
Quite ill at the moment. May not post for a little while. Missus wants to get an ambulance. No chance!
Maybe need some intravenous Christianity to come back and do battle.
May I say that my respect for you and my usual adversaries remains constant.
Best wishes Theland re: ur missus.
Hope all is well m8.
Goodluck to your wife all the best to you both.
May have mis read ur post Theland. Is this about you?
Theland, ur post is a bit ambiguous, but I get the feeling its about you.
Hope you are ok mate....
let us all know!
Theland's ill, not his wife.
If you need medical treatment then listen to your wife - take care.
Yes Tills,
Both myself and Arksided took it to be his missus at first but on further reading realised it was himself,
Our bad!

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