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Heres One For Theland

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nailit | 20:10 Sun 24th Jun 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
22 Answers
So your God cant prevent suffering in this world, because mankind has got free will?
Is that right?
(or is God powerless?)


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You’ve made one basic schoolboy error, Nailit. Believing you’ll get a sensible debate out of Theland.

Just walk away from any such fanciful idea.
Hello, Nails. Nice to see you back.

Will Theland be pleased though?
Question Author
ZM & Tilly
I havnt even started yet. Give me a chance...
We live in a fallen world brought about by sin.
That is why there is crap.
Nailit- lovely to see you back fighting fit.
‘ZM & Tilly I havnt even started yet’

Erm....yes you did. At 20:10.
And I think Theland’s input rather proves my point.
Question Author
so answer me,
why doesn't god prevent suffering?
Forgo all the platitudes...
You’re like a dog with a bone aintcha, Nailit. Unfortunately Theland is more mollusc than invertebrate.
Apologies. More mollusc than skeletal.
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My point is that if I saw a child been abducted, I should do nothing! Because after all I was given free will, I could see the childs distress at been abducted, make a coherent argument what was going on, but unable to intervene because the abducter had free will.

God has the same ability apparently and that why he does *** all!
You’re rambling a bit now, Nailit. You been on the sauce?
Oh gawd! What am I guilty of now?
England won, I broke my diet and went to the off license for a few cans, then went to the pub for a few celebratory pints. Was feeling quite good, the. Go nailed by Nailit.
Sometimes life sucks.
Can but understanding the larger picture knows it is not the right thing to do, so doesn't.
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I find it terrifying how much power in the world is in the hands of people who believe in fairy tales.
Canary - Just check out the number of deaths under communist, Stalinist and Maoist rule, plus the regimes that twisted the bible message for their own grab on power, like the Roman Catholic Church, and your fears may be looking in the wrong direction.
What are you afraid of? Evil? So am I.
Look on my body and soul thread please?
Football and beer for the next few hours.

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