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That’s one of your better ones, Theland … probably your best yet .....or at least I thought it was until he reached his conclusion. He raises an interesting point – and then lets himself down by making that quite irrational giant leap of faith.
Giant leap of faith??? Surely not!

I don’t think Athiests particularly dispute the universe had a start point. We just don’t attribute it to a God.
^ .... not to mention a specific god.
Not sure why that was for me Theland? Im not particularly scientifically minded at the best of times. I reject the Bible more on moral grounds. As you have been good enough to post a vid for me I will return the compliment

BTW, I hope that you are well after ur recent bout of ill health :-)
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I see Clarion Street is still consistently presenting most thoughtful and considered scholarship on these matters.
Such in depth analyses are truly gems in the treasure chest of human wisdom.

Yes Nailit, the problems you present in the video are disturbing, but if you go to, "Got Questions," and similar sites, you will find explanations for the passages mentioned.

The hot weather is tortuous for my breathing. Thanks for asking.
Question Author

Just one of the reasons I believe in Bible prophecy, and so easily checked out.
Undeniable accuracy over thousands of years.
Theland, I am not interested in the religious stuff but from the health point of view have you thought of hiring an air con unit for the summer, at least part of your home would be more bearable. It might even be worth buying a small unit as our summers are getting warmer.
//Undeniable accuracy over thousands of years. //

Did you mean undeniable history? You know very well why the Jews are in Israel - and you know very well that God had no hand in it, because this has been churned over umpteen times. At the very best his last appearance was at least 2000 years ago... so it stands to reason it couldn't have been him.
(You e done it again, son.....gotta hand it to ya)
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Oh dear Nims, " You know very well etc?", is a school marm telling a naughty boy to remember his course work.
I truly admire your tactics and always value your friendship, but, alas, I am insolently blowing a rather large raspberry in your direction. Sorry. No personal offence. Just an elbow in the ribs. X
Theland, most appropriate. Blowing raspberries is the schoolboy's answer to anything he doesn't want to think about.
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Rowan - something to think about but need to check the cost verses funds.
Been in a shop today and they had two HUGE air cons and it was lovely to just stand there and cool down.
Thanks for that.
Hope you are keeping OK?
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For the atheists. Abiogenesis?
You have to be joking!
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Come on Nailit! Get real!
Theland, why do you insist on posting numerous videos, with little or no indication of their content, that few have the time or the inclination to watch?
-- answer removed --

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