With so many scientists believeing in God, and proofs such as intelligent design established, and the valid criticisms of evolution not being successfully challenged, would you now at least consider the possibility of a universe created by a conscious mind, God?
So many great highly intelligent people never questioned the existence of God, so does that not give you pause for thought?
J.C. Ryle, Tozer, Spurgeon, Hudson Taylor, Isaac Newton, to name just a tiny few?
If you embrace atheism, ask yourself, do you know more than these people?
And what do you know?
Vetuste - I thoroughly respect the views that are poles apart to mine.
All I ask is a conversation, not, "Yahboo," mud slinging designed to belittle me.
The kindest thing I get on here so times is a cross examination, like I have committed a crime.
All I do is assert my belief in God, and never preach fire and brimstone, in spite of being accused of "stuffing it down people's throats."
Never done that, never would.
The Theory of Evolution is supported by more evidence than any other science. There are no valid criticisms that have not been addressed.
In science it doesn't matter about the credentials of those who hold a belief. Everything is beholden to evidence. Einstein never accepted Uncertainty but the facts prevailed. That is why science has been so successful at comprehending nature.
Religion depends on "ancient unquestionable truths" and the opinions of "wise men" which is why it is utterly hopeless at explaining anything.
Beso; //which is why it [religion] is utterly hopeless at explaining anything.//
Religion doesn't even attempt to "explain" anything, nor should it. It offers a guideline for those who wish, of how to conduct themselves and how lead their lives.
if there is a God, which i doubt very much, why would he/she cause such devastation in the world that was created. I believe the current crop of scientists that the world was created 4.5 billion years ago and that God or what passes for one played no part in it.
Who says they cause the devastation ? Maybe the world would only function without continual interference as it is. So it is what it is and allows us to be.
n. It depends on which religion - it's all metaphor anyway in all religions, and if I'm to have a metaphor, I personally love to think of the Cosmic Dance of Shiva Nataraga, - pacing out the creation of the universe in his ecstatic dance, simultaneously combining the benignly creative and the destructive forces of divinity.
But I think you would prefer to dwell on the outpourings of twerps like R.Dawkins, who thinks is all a "happy accident"! :0)
Khandro, somehow I think the Cosmic Dance of Shiva Nataraga is not what’s on Theland’s mind.
As for Richard Dawkins being a twerp, a twerp he most certainly isn’t – well at least, unlike some, certainly not twerpish enough to claim he knows definitively how it all happened.
I now ignore Theland because he always avoids relevant points which are placed before him and, if a discussion is Not going his way, he quickly departs from the scene.