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Can Anyone Please Explain

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nailit | 21:10 Sat 05th Jan 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
61 Answers
to me why faith is a 'virtue'?
Never understood it myself.
Serious question....


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What's he saying, Theland? That video is almost an hour long.

Blind faith isn't a virtue. It's a weakness.
I so agree with Nailit. I have never understood why people who believe in an invisible friend in the sky are somehow better people than those who do not believe in such a fairy story. Where I live (Northern Ireland), such a belief is taken as proof that someone is a good person. A sad reflection on our society.
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Apologies for not getting back to this thread last night.

What prompted this post was that a Christian friend of mine recently said to me that he continues to pray that I find faith in Jesus in the new year. We don't normally discuss religious topics and both he and his wife have been great friends over the years (probably because we don't discuss religious topics...)
But it made me feel (rightly or wrongly) that he believes that I am 'lacking' something and somehow less virtuous, or at least missing out on something!
If he hadn't been a friend I would have retorted that I would also be praying for HIS soul to find Krishna, Allah or whoever in the new year.

Back in the day, when I was a Christian myself, I also had this idea that having faith in a Deity (more specifically, MY Deity) was a virtue and those that lacked it were to be pitied.
Thankfully I outgrew such a narrow minded view of my fellow humans.
Still don't get it though, just why is having a faith in an unprovable God/faith based belief system, any kind of virtue?
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//such a belief is taken as proof that someone is a good person//
This is what I mean chanel. 'Men of the cloth' are often revered. Why?
(My friend is a retired pastor but he IS a good person anyway, in spite of...not because of...his 'faith'.
Naomi - I agree with you. Blind faith is daft.
Nailit, you never found the faith that others did.
That does not make them narrow minded.
You haven't cornered the market when it comes to enlightenment. Nobody has.
Blind faith can be dangerous!
I couldn't agree more.
Great band. Used to have the album.
From the Christian website ‘Got Questions’. //A dictionary definition of blind faith is “belief without true understanding, perception, or discrimination.//

Who can honestly claim to believe with true understanding? I see no discrepancy there.
"Through a glass darkly."
No we don't have the full picture, yet. That will come, but there is enough evidence to justify faith for those serlously searching.
Theland, //there is enough evidence to justify faith for those serlously searching. //

What evidence?
The lack of satisfactory explanations from atheists for starters.
Theland, you claim to have evidence. Where is it? I'd like to consider it.
I have presented this before and was mocked.
Try looking at Bible prophecy, especially Ezekiel 38, Pslam 83 and Isaiah 17.
Compare them to current events in and around Israel.
In fact the whole global situation compared to prophecy.
Theland, you weren’t mocked. You were told why the Jews are in Israel and you were directed to the many ‘prophecies’ that can’t be manipulated to suit your agenda. None of them are ‘evidence’.
Then try the prophecy sites yourself.
Number one - read the prophecies.
Number two - watch the news.
I've read the prophecies.

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