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The First Cause.

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Theland | 17:24 Mon 26th Aug 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
92 Answers
Do we agree that the universe had an uncaused first cause?


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have we got to the punchline yet?

ergo - > god

[ proof of God through ( oops sozza froo') logic alone
thos aquinas (*) was very keen on this - and so those who bucked the logic bit were 'invincibly ignorant']

(*) foo who Thomas Aquinas den?
or as Stalin said, how many battalions does Thomas Aquinas have?

La La!
Question Author
Thank goodness for clarity!
I believe for every drop of rain that falls a flower grows,
I believe that even in the darkest night a candle glows,
Every time I hear a new born baby cry,or hear the sea or see the sky ,then I know why I believe ##
Theland, any chance of a reply to my post at 19:13?
Question Author
19:13 - Evidence? Look around you. Did it all happen by itself? There was a cause. That's good enough for me. The
Have you died mid sentence?
//There is a God. Past and future eternal.
Get your head around that and everything else falls k to place. //

Theland, my common sense and science education prevents me from.just believing that- and neither can I see how that makes "everything fall into place,".
Even if I could believe it, I wouldn't want to, without actual proof. I would rather say that I don't know, than believe something so unlikely.
Can you give a me some genuine proof for that much, at least? I need to pop out, but will check back. Thanks xx
Question Author
Again, why are you bothered? You believe in nothing so don't waste your precious limited time trying to understand something that is beyond you and will only puzzle up your life even further.
Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow ..........
Question Author
Pixie - there is hope for you. You have an open mind.
//Again, why are you bothered?//
And again, why are you? What do you hope to achieve by the equivalent of internet street preaching? Just WHY??

//You believe in nothing//
Eh? What the hell you smokin? I want some. What a ridiculous remark.

//so don't waste your precious limited time trying to understand something that is beyond you//
No. I will stifle my intellectual curiosity in favour of enchanted gardens with talking animals and magical fruit, stories made up by bronze age nomads who enjoyed killing animals and slaughtering surrounding tribes.

//Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow//
Yep. First piece of sensible advice so far. ...
Question Author
Had to sell all my L.P.'s when times were hard and had bills to pay.
Que Sera.
//Pixie - there is hope for you. You have an open mind//
How BLOODY condescending to Pixie.
Hope for what? That she may believe as you do?
How arrogant.

Certainly no hope for you with such a closed, bigoted, holier than thou attitude.

Question Author
What do you want Nailit apart from accolades?
You seem to have decided on the answers to the big questions, that is, no answers.
Fair enough.
Take up knitting.
//Take up knitting//
Take up some thinking for yourself m8 instead of hours of you tube vids that only CONFIRM your own bias.
It was only when I had the COURAGE to look outside of my own belief system that I escaped the prison of faith and belief and could freely acknowledge that there are some things that I just don't know and that I didn't have to defend an indefensible God (as portrayed in the Bible)

//What do you want Nailit apart from accolades? //
Accolades from who or what?
I don't need/want accolades from anywhere.
Why the assumption that I need accolades? Why are you making sh 1t up?
Question Author
What do you hope to gain posting on here?
//What do you hope to gain posting on here?
I'll post where I bloody well like Theland.
Do you own AB or something?
As other posters have pointed out, your trouble is that you refuse to engage in any meaningful conversation...just constant preaching.
Gets a bit tedious.
And then you get butt hurt when challenged. why?
Are your feelings hurt when someone asks you to provide support for ur OWN beliefs? But you are always ready to dish it out when it suits.

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