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Searching For Atheist Apologists.

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Theland | 20:21 Sun 17th Nov 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
130 Answers
I have searched in vain for atheist apologists who can present plausible theories of the origin of the universe.
So far, the ones I have found all presuppose a, "something," as a part of their definition of nothing.
Lawrence Krausse requires laws to make, "nothing," unstable.
Hawking required gravity.
An unnamed YouTube lecturer required that time was past eternal.
Can you direct me to any more?


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Nailit at 21:54 - I honestly make the effort to understand atheism, Hitchens, Dawkins, Krausse, Dennet etc
Many vids are mocking belief to a laughing audience, but a few scientific ones which are really serious I find flawed but I continue to search.
There is no effort in understanding atheism, Theland. It is not a faith with a following.
It is just an unrelated group of people, who are not convinced a benevolent, omnipotent spirit created everything.
I don't follow any of those you mentioned, I made up my own mind from rationality, common sense and science. If anything was ever proven otherwise, convincingly- I would think again.
You can find scientific videos flawed all you like, but it's not enough to just say so. I'd love to see you demonstrate by either providing an alternative theory, and the necessary mathematics to support it; or at least demonstrating an experimental or theoretical flaw in the present theories that can be expressed in terms more detailed and informative than a mere sneering "apologists" comment.

As to the discussion about Quantum Mechanics -- again, this is simply something that requires a detailed understanding of the mathematics to discuss in any detail. This isn't an elitist thing, either: all of it has been presented in papers, and textbooks, and lecture notes, and video lectures, and the like.
Theland - there are 5 people in my household. 3 Atheists and 2 undecided. All of us brought up as Roman Catholics.

When I first moved in with my partner he believed in God. Now he doesn't.

Naomi has provided enough reading material to change our minds.

Blindly believing because that's what we were raised to when I read parts of the Bible I find it quite funny. It's just nonsense.

I sent my kids to Catholic schools. Not for religious education but because it's the schools I went to and religion wasn't rammed down our throats. We said thank you prayers. Thank you for the food in our bellies, thank you for the shoes on our feet. We should have been taught to thank our parents.
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Jim - Just a quick response. More to come later.
I have not been, "sneering."
How dare I.
Some of the greatest minds I admire are atheist, but I continue to read them.
I definitely do not sneer.
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Ummmm - I have no time for Roman Catholicism.
It is a corrupt apostate institution.
It as far from Bible based Christianity as we are to the stars. It is a monumental but powerful lie.
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Nailit - "I don't go a bomb on Scousers...."
My word, that is racist! And against Gods chosen people!
If you were confident in your faith, Theland, you wouldn't be searching for anything.
Theland - I cannot be alone in noticing a pattern here.

For a long time now, you have raised debates in this section - and then you either ignore the responses, or you offer people endless YouTube links to watch, or you advise them that they don't understand.

Has it occurred to you that in your endless search for answers to your questions, you are simply looking in the wrong place?

The Answerbank clearly does not hold the responses you want - why not give up asking here and search elsewhere?
Roman Catholics, really?

Most of the people I know are Catholic. We're not part of the IRA and we're not suicide bombers.

I would happily rid Ireland of the Catholic churches though.
I'm an agnostic I sit on the fence so much, splinters stick to my ass. There is nothing wrong with asking questions and certainly nothing wrong with faith (I wish I had some).. But I've looked at some of these posts and they are pretty much eloquent and plausible. I loved rationalists comments he has totally educated me and his scientic explanation was easy to grasp for a dimwit like me.. So congrats for that.. Im leaning towards science and quantum thanks to him
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Naomi - Welcome aboard, your contribution is most welcome, thoughtful and polite.

Yes you raise a good point about confidence.
In answer, I am 100% confident in my faith and beliefs.
But I am I admit, lacking in much wisdom and knowledge.
I am very curious and seek knowledge and enjoy discussions about a variety of subjects.
I respect your atheism, but I am interested in what the latest atheist the theories are in answer to the big questions.
Anyway, I look forward to your thoughtful posts.
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Feeble - Also, welcome aboard.
Yes, Rationalists post is a gem. I will study it later.
Theland, there are no 'atheist theories'. Atheism isn't a cult or a sect or a club or a religion. There is no rule book.

Incidentally, I'd be obliged if you'd dispense with the insincerity. It doesn't impress.
There are no "atheist theories". There are scientific theories for the origins of the Universe, but they have nothing to do with atheism. That's yet another flaw in your campaign against atheism. There is no role for God in Science, but equally there is little that Science could ever say about something that is claimed to be, by its nature, above and beyond the physical.

By the same token, therefore, the purported absence of any plausible theory for the origin of the Universe merely means that we have still to hunt for the answer. That's as it should be, no? It would be boring to suggest that either we have all the answers now, or -- even more tragically -- that we already had all the answers of interest from the very beginning. Where, then, is the incentive to look forward?
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Ummmm - My father was Catholic, mother protests Protestant, grew up in a catholic area and all my friends were Catholic.
I am not a bigot.
I simply look at the reasons for the Christian faith.
We have the Bible translated from the original Hebrew and Greek texts. That's it.
My faith is based on those alone.
The Roman Catholic Church includes tradition, and Papal infallibity, and contradicts the scriptures on so many levels. Too long to post here.
That is why I reject the doctrine, but of course not the people. I am not a bigot.
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Naomi - Not trying to impress. Just want to discuss with mutual respect. O.K?
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Naomi- I tend to agree there are no, "atheist theories," but there is science, and the choice between following the science to where it leads, or putting it in a straight jacket putting up no go areas for research, comment or speculation.
As far as i am concerned, the bible begins with a lie (In the beginning..........) and steadily goes downhill from there. No apologies from this neck of the woods.
// ... no go areas for research, comment or speculation. //

Which areas do you have in mind? They don't exist. It's true that some areas of research are more favoured than others -- and, yes, it has to be conceded that funding considerations may lead to trends over what's fashionable or not -- but there's no such thing as a "no go area" in Science.

On the other hand, not every chain of enquiry is equally likely to be productive. What makes for the most successful science is the ability to recognise very early on what is, and what is not, likely to be a worthwhile line to follow. No one person can claim to get that right all the time, but the community as a whole tends to get it right far more often than not.

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