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Khandro | 18:25 Sat 14th Dec 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
378 Answers
With Brexit out of the way (?!) can we now turn to more momentous issues? I refer to those posed by St Augustine in reference to Creation; Who made it? By what means? & Why?


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Exactly. Which proves the futility of trying to debate it. Ibi est.
It kept us off the streets for a while. "Not knowing" seems reasonable to me... I am just trying to get answers from those who claimed they did know.
Oh well, it was worth a try x
Ping pong gets boring after a while.
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naomi; //Waiting for Khandro's answer.23:28 Fri 20th Dec 2019//

At that hour, (12:30 am here) you would wait in vain, I was tucked-up in the sack.
In relation to my OP, I can only answer the first of the 3 questions; 'Who made it?', ans. God of course, but by 'what means?' & 'why?', only God knows.
Khandro, //At that hour, (12:30 am here) you would wait in vain, I was tucked-up in the sack. //

But you posted the question a week ago. Judging by your irrationally definitive answer I'd guess you've not woken up since then.
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I think the debate has proven a little too much for our witchfinder general.
Zacs - and who is that?
"Ping pong", except all ping and no pong :-).
Or, to use the usual phrase, this thread was all gong and no dinner.
I tried.
To a small degree x
The sniping and put downs didn't help, they never do.
That was neither, theland. I wouldn't do that. I am genuinely interested in answers, and not trying to "trick" anybody.
Throughout the long thread, I have asked you for one example only, of how information comes from the mind (which you say "always does" so should be easy).

So far, I have had misdirection (asking me back a question without answering)...
a change in definition (changing "information" to knowledge, thinking, creating etc)...
Avoidance (answering any question, except mine)...
Victimisation (changing the subject to personal feelings... I hope I haven't victimised you, not my intention at all)...
To "boredom" (that's enough now).

But through it all, I still haven't had a proper answer, and you are the person on here, claiming to actually know, so I don't understand why you won't share that.

My own opinion (rightly or wrongly) is that you are not at all sure yourself, but this is something you would prefer to believe, because it helps?
Information from a mind?
If you throw a pile of scrabble tiles on a table, there is a chance a few of them will form short two or three letter words.
But if you see them arranged to form a complete sentence, you know that is not random, but that a mind has formulated the sentence, and arranged the scrabble tiles to convey the sentence.
Is there a problem with that?
Not at all... certainly people are capable of learning languages and being educated. This was about the "creation of information" though. Wasn't it?
Then ask yourself.
You convey information all of the time, on here for example.
Nobody is dictating to you, the information comes from your mind. Yes?
The information obviously doesn't originally.
My views and opinions do... as I process what I see and read, decide what to believe and what to think. They are not the same things at all.
If they were, everyone would have very similar views (look at my recipe post).
Information is added in to your mind as you learn- and your mind makes of it what it wants, depending on many variables. But the original Information, doesn't.
You never have an original thought?
I turn information into my own thoughts.... I am not honestly sure anyone ever has an "original thought", but maybe a different subject...
My thoughts depend on what I know, believe, think, my personality, etc etc, like everyone else's. But I have never created "information"- and neither has anybody else. We learn it, we don't invent it.
I disagree entirely.
In my opinion, you are totally mistaken.
But is that just your opinion, or based on evidence?

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