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Theland | 09:54 Mon 06th Jan 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
93 Answers
If asked for your opinion on our origins, the universe from nothing, life from lifeless materials, what do you say if you have no faith in God?


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Mozz - Because we, and everything else in the universe have an identifiable cause. Yes?
It's somewhat arrogant to suggest God simply "is" yet humans had to be created.
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Theland, I don't think its a big question.
It started with a kiss, never thought it would come to this.
Our parents created their parents created them. This goes back to the time of the Neanderthals and before. Mind you it is arguable that there are the occasional throw back to to those people still being created today.
throw backs......
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Vulcan - why?
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Mallyj - yes I've met a few.
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Wolfgang - can you think of bigger?
Theland YES! Where is humanity going? How can we get the natural world back on track and repair the damage we have done? How can we achieve less harm and more healing?....and that is just off the top of my head.
Theland, to use your own words " you are either being awkward, or
willingly blind to the message, or simply lacking in understanding."
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Wolf - yes, but I fear we are past hope.
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Vulcan - no. Genuinely interested.
Theland Romans 15.13.
also Mark 10, 27
\\ Vulcan - no. Genuinely interested.//

As was I on another thread and received the reply I've just quoted.
"It started with a kiss, never thought it would come to this."

douglas9401, was that the cosmic kiss that led to the Big Bang?
Theland, Do you believe in Fairies.
I ask because this can't be proven or not either.
So if you believe in God and you cannot prove his existence and can't be disproved either it just brings it to each person's belief and point of view which is entirely personal and just because others don't agree doesn't make them wrong and you right.
Sorry if you don't agree. Just my opinion.
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Vulcan - Honestly, I'm not following you.

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