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End Time Signs.

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Theland | 03:11 Thu 05th Mar 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
97 Answers
Floods, fires, droughts, pollution, malnutrition, wars and rumours of wars, pestillences, and all contributing to another but bigger global financial crisis.
Add more to the list as you think of them, like the plagues of locusts ravaging East Africa, and numerous migrant crises all over the world.
So, what do you think?


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If you take your end of days criteria from the bible then there have been many starts to the end of days.

Each generation or century has its fare share of conflict, disease and environmental damage and natural disasters.

And TBH when any true end of days arrive we will be too busy trying to survive it to worry about prophecies.
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Thank you cassa, something for me to think about.
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And now we can add Covid 19 to the list.
End-times indeed.
By the time this virus has finished its culling, there will only be 9 or so Answerbankers left to contribute copious amounts of guff.
Theland, do you think the people in the 14th century added the Black Death to the list?
\\ The bible states that a generation is, "Three score years and ten, but if by reason of strength eighty years."//
We'll ignore the logic of how you got to 1948, for the moment. Adding the three score years and ten to it made a very useful prophecy until 2018 came and went. It now needed another date so "if by reason of strength eighty years" was added, to take us to 2028. What happens then? do you add "owing to the fact that people are now living longer, ninety years" ( "phew, great, that's got us covered until 2038") This really is like a self written insurance policy, all the times you rewrite the details you're covered.
If Covid 19 is anything to do with the Almighty, he'd be claiming the younger generation of nonbelievers more than pensioners, many of whom believe in your God.
// Theland, do you think the people in the 14th century added the Black Death to the list?//

oh I think they did - "Masque of the red death" was on over the week end - and contagion a film about a ghastly disease in Jong Kong is available for those in isolation
based on Boccaccios decameron

the thing is: the apocalypse is obviously about the end of days when it was written - AD 100 or thereabouts
it was not written with the idea of "not now boys - but in 2000 y"
so why do we think it is relevant now ?

or to paraphrase Tolstoy who er said in Russian ( rrk!)
every world ends in the same way but every world begins in its own special way ....

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Vulcan - Quite. It has been known for me to be mistaken, but then I don't enjoy infallibility like His Popishness in Rome.
But hey ho! Look how much you all enjoy yourselves wham I am brave / stupid enough to put my neck on the block and invite you to strike :-)
I continue to hold my beliefs dear, and the central core of my belief is Jesus Christ. That is rock solid, and everything else is peripheral.
I too enjoy your company, and conversations, long may they continue.
My question was to Theland.
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Naomi - Yes I'm sure they did.
I'm also sure it is true for every year especially when there are notable events, Napoleonic wars, both world wars, atomic weapons etc etc etc.
yeah but no but
anyone can answer-
we dont believe the Apocalypse is literally true do we?

that is - awful pestilence ( tick corona virus does the job)
and then four horsemen
one answering to the scarlet woman ( cheap slipper and panties on offer today my dears) and the other three looking pretty terrible

we dont think that this is eally going to happen like St John the Divine wrote AD 100 or do we ?

the thrust being that ar least part of the bible is metphorical and not literally true which will allow us to then go on to discuss which bits

any one can answer - I am not proud
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Peter - What is your opinion of Revelation 17?
I think you need to stop worrying !
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My personal view is that Daniel and Revelation, with some other prophecies, describe a world that we are in or heading towards.
So yes they are relevant.
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EDDIE51 - I do have worries, but not about this :-)
Peter - What is your opinion of Revelation 17?

OK I will go and read it - in greek of course the language it was written in. Anything good - you know like nuclear meltdowns or time machines? Daniel isnt prophetic is it?

you know like some nice young man is going to turn up to Trumps Whire House and say - Mr President you clearly need a hand running your Great Republic ....

and you know he says hey I have built a nuclear bunker and it is melting down and hey look at that there are four men wandering around in the flames .....( one of whom I think it called Axariah)
So Theland, if the Black Death 700 years ago signified the end of times and this new virus also signifies the end of times, does that mean that every time something nasty rears its head we can go on indefinitely declaring that the end of times is imminent?
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Prior to 1948 end time signs would not have been a s weighty as Israel were not back in the land.
Also, the nuclear age gave a new meaning to apocalypse when things were written in the days of spears, swords and arrows.
Mozz71. I like your gib, mate.

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