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One World Religion

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nailit | 18:12 Mon 31st Aug 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
144 Answers
keep hearing conspiracy nuts and christian fundies telling us about the end times and how there is going to be a one world religion,
Can you tell me what that religion is please?



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Theland - // I have Muslim friends would you believe? //

If you don't talk to them the way you talk to us, then yes, I can believe it.

If you do talk to them, or anyone else, the way you talk to us, I'm amazed you have any friends at all.
keep hearing conspiracy nuts and christian fundies telling us about the end times and how there is going to be a one world religion,

Is that because you keep googling 'one world religion'?
Andy, how do I talk to you that you find offensive?
Your comments are offensive. But you know that.

Naomi, you and others have often said all the religions can't be right.
So there you are. There is truth, everything else ...............
Theland - // Andy, how do I talk to you that you find offensive? //

I have been over this several times, each time advising you that you won't listen, and you won't change.

That post is evidence that I was right, so I won't waste my time listing the reasons again.

Your regular sparring partners on here know what you are like, they have told you as well, but you don't listen to them either, so carry on, and I'll use the time I would have used listing the reasons why you offend me by doing something useful, like looking at my garden through the window and not fretting about why everyone doesn't think about God all the time like you do.
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//Is that because you keep googling 'one world religion'?//
In a word, NO!
But I am interested in conspiracy theories (particularly the present Covid theories) and I am interested in the psychology of religion.
I am neither a believer in conspiracies or God.
Im interested in psychology but that doesnt make me a psychologist.
Im interested in religion but that doesnt make me a vicar.
Im interested in conspiracies but that doesnt make me David Icke...
But you tube does have a habit of presenting 'suggested videos' to you based on previous search results ;-)
Nailit - You have brought some clarity to your quests for information.
An interest, a hobby.
Theland, //There is truth, everything else ............... //

But they all say the same. They're right ... and everyone else is wrong.
Naomi - In that respect you are quite correct, I agree with you.
However, their teachings are all different.
I know.... but that doesn't make you right.
The scriptures are right.
Easily checked from prophecy and contemporary events.
The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone.
It will be a stumbling block to many.
You have stumbled.
Theland, //The scriptures are right. //

What about the bits that are wrong? You know, those bits that are contradictory? If error exists - which it clearly does - rationally the whole must be called into question.

//Easily checked from prophecy and contemporary events.//

What contemporary events?

You’re like a man who thinks he’s seen a ghost but because he wants to believe in ghosts, refuses to even consider the logical explanation. Your determination to cling to that which, when subjected to unbiased scrutiny, falls at the first hurdle is mind-numbing.

//You have stumbled.//

Me and most of the rest of the world apparently. How arrogant you are.
Naomi, no, I am not being arrogant.
In fact, I respect you,and am careful to try my best not to offend you.
But the scriptures app!y to us all you included.
The scriptures offend you, as they will offend many.
But the scriptures app!y to us all you included.

pure nonsense. just a load of made up fairy stories.

Why do seemingly intelligent people believe in such garbage.
Naomi, there are difficult parts of the bible, as many point out.
Apparent contradictions, apparent failed prophecies, yes, these are the things that atheists light on to criticise the whole of the scriptures.
I won't ignore them, but put them to one side for a while, and look intensively at those fulfilled prophecies, with an open mind.
There is no question but the prophecies concerning the history of the Jews are fulfilled 100%.
I may not be as bright or educated as you, but I am not stupid, and if the prophecies concerning the Jews were wrong, I would have spotted it years ago.
Sparkly - your attitude is representative of many atheists, and is itself a fulfillment of bible prophecy.
You have made an unequivical statement from authority.
What authority?
Surely not simply your own opinion?
Of so, based on what?
Theland, because a single prophecy regarding the Jews appears, to you, to be correct, you believe the rest of the bible, which you haven't completely read, also to be correct. As Mr Spock would say, illogical.
Vulcan, I welcome your comments.
On the question of me reading the bible, I can on!y say I had read it on and off from the age of thirty, I am 69 now.
I have also read many many books explaining the bible, apologetics, theology and science.
In recent years my bib!e studies have intensified, and this includes listening to many lectures from Christian pastors who are experts in their fields, and can spend over an hour explaining and discussing just a few bible passages.
It is slow, but it is thorough, and together with my prayer life, I trust God to give me understanding.
I spend about three hours or more on my studies, per day, and only ever post on here what I have learned from scripture.
Have I ever opened the bible at the beginning at Genesis and continued reading all the way through to Revelation as Nailit claims to have done?
No, I have never done that.
Does this satisfy your criticism of my bible reading?
On the same subject, have you ever read it yourself?
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//I had read it on and off from the age of thirty, I am 69 now//
So 39 years then?
I became a 'Born Again' Christian at 15 and am now 54, so I too have been reading the Bible for 39 years....spooky ;-)

//Have I ever opened the bible at the beginning at Genesis and continued reading all the way through to Revelation as Nailit claims to have done?
''Claims to have done''? Do you doubt me Theland?

Anyway, I'm still waiting to hear what this one world religion will be?
Theres too many fundamentalists off all flavours for this to ever happen.
Theland, like you I haven't read the bible cover to cover but I have read the New Testament in its entirety several times. However unlike you I don't live my life according to what's written within.
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Do you mind my asking why you read the New Testament through several times?
My own stated...was that I became an evangelical in my teenage years. Thanks.

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