Vulcan, I welcome your comments.
On the question of me reading the bible, I can on!y say I had read it on and off from the age of thirty, I am 69 now.
I have also read many many books explaining the bible, apologetics, theology and science.
In recent years my bib!e studies have intensified, and this includes listening to many lectures from Christian pastors who are experts in their fields, and can spend over an hour explaining and discussing just a few bible passages.
It is slow, but it is thorough, and together with my prayer life, I trust God to give me understanding.
I spend about three hours or more on my studies, per day, and only ever post on here what I have learned from scripture.
Have I ever opened the bible at the beginning at Genesis and continued reading all the way through to Revelation as Nailit claims to have done?
No, I have never done that.
Does this satisfy your criticism of my bible reading?
On the same subject, have you ever read it yourself?