all, why do you think there is so much strife in the world, why mankind has in many stalled, because religion of one form another has control over billions of people.
The one that owns millions of acres of land, adorns it's churches with enough gold to fund homeless shelters worldwide and has a history of systematic child abuse. Maybe?
They've all got to have a few 'out there' doctrines to hook the curious and to foster the 'them/us' group mentality - such as belief in supernatural beings, reincarnation, magic, random things that are unclean or unholy, etc. Otherwise if it was just the more sensible of their 'moralities' then they'd just be normal life.
Religions, stupid or otherwise, begin with a belief in either, God, or gods.
Of course atheism is a lack of belief in either, but is devoid of any answers to the big questions.
i think the likes of Stephen Hawking can explain most of your posts away, sadly he is no more, but there are thousands of scientists, intellectuals, who can explain