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My thread certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons didn't it?
Like moths to a candle, out troop my critics, not backward in coming forward in their criticism not only of what I believe, but of me personally. But that doesn't matter.
I too can't stand religion, but there is a lot to be learned from some aspects of the works of various scholarly religionists.
So then there are those who criticise me for their misunderstanding of what I believe, and their equally erroneous opinion on what I should believe.
Do I have all of the answers? No! Not at all.
Mine is a journey searching for a better relationship with God, and there is no end game this side of the grave.
But how to live our lives now? Ah yes that is the most immediate question.
One thing is for sure, and that is if we are serious about searching for God, we have to stop living our lives as before and begin looking at others through Gods eyes, and see them as He sees them and treat them accordingly.
But hey! Does that mean I have to accept everybody unconditionally on their terms, and love them as God loves them too? In effect, yes, bit that does not mean that I have to lose my sanity and sense of proportion, and be wary of those who would harm me or those that I love.
There is a reality that is greater than us, and we are a mere shadow of that greater reality.
We are not just entities with a conscience, consciousness being something that we don't even begin to understand, a ghost in a machine, programmed to function and cease at death.
No, apart from consciousness, which gives us the wherewithal to function efficiently and interact with each other, we are also spiritual beings, and within us our spirit abides, and yearns to be fulfilled.
The only satisfying way we can fulfill our spirit is to commune with God our creator. But if we deny ourselves this opportunity to allow God into our lives, then the spirit cries out all the more, and we lean towards any number of things to take the rightful place of God in our lives.
Many things, but maybe summed up by saying, '' worldliness,'' with all of the connotations that inspires.
Of course, many people have no such problem, and think they have no need of God, but the answer to that particular question is simple, they are already spiritually dead inside.