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God Loves You.

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Theland | 21:47 Sat 12th Dec 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
141 Answers
God loves you.
Shouldn't you love Him back?


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There is nothing wrong with my patriotism, my nationalism or my yearning to have it celebrated on auspicious occasions in a traditional way befitting our British culture.
If you translate that as racist bigoted invective then so be it, but I shall continue to delegate my values throughout my large multi ethnic family, and hope that they too share in the pride of celebrating our culture and become angered when it is attacked or diluted.
So you stand by that post on 1 Jan 2020? You truly believe that it is the post of a non-racist individual?

Go on - I dare you! Because if you do, you will have finally demonstrated beyond all doubt that you truly are an odious, racist ***.
Question Author
My post at 00:27 in that link should tell you of my frame of mind on that night.
Tongue in cheek? Yes, a bit, but a bit disappointed too at the necessity for such inclusiveness of such diversity when the music that rubbed me up the wrong way is representative of only about 15% of our population.
So, yes, with a qualifier, I stand by it.
Now let the very gates of hell be opened against me and I shall prevail.
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By the way, you can be a darn site insulting can't you?
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How can you prove that 'he' exists?
Question Author
Me Ozzy? Nah! Never!

Proof? Not in a short post, but in a discussion to your satisfaction.
There really is no room for discussion and you neverpay attention to other peoples thoughts and opinions Theland. It seems to me that in your mind you are always right and there is no room for an exchange of ideas and thoughts. People who believe that they are always right and other people are always wrong, no matter what they think, feel or believe are just that what your god advocates? Reading your posts make me think it is.
//Naomi says Bunkum.
The pinnacle of years and years of religious study. //

It's the only response the question warrants, Theland.
Question Author
Oh I disagree.
The subject has the potential for much investigation.
Theland - // The subject has the potential for much investigation. //

Only if you can take belief in God as a given - plenty of people don't.
Theland, he hides it well.... and even if he does, I couldn't respect someone who behaves like he does.
Hoppy, "she" is quite insulting. A female god would never behave this way. Or hate women quite so much.
You only have to look at the hierarchy of organised religions, and their treatment of women, to know how men use religion to subjgate people.
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If you pick one particular organised religion, it will have different reasons for treating women differently, compared to others, in spite of their commonality.
And which of those have relevant excuses, theland?
Question Author
Excuses or reasons.
Do women consider themselves being treated as second rate, or as having a unique female role that could not be fulfilled by a male?
Clearly... to both. Just a little observation will show you that.
Question Author
Muslims give half the worth of a man to a woman.
Can't speak for Sikhs or Hindus.
Jews have definitive roles for male and female.
Christians, it depends on what flavour of Christian.
Some more integrated than others.
Even a cursory glance at the new testament (let alone a glance at the old testament) shows that Gods love is conditional.
Any love that is conditional is no love at all.
Any love that punishes those that dont love back is equel to a spouse beating his spouse because she didnt make him his tea.

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