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Atheism, Agnosticism, Belief.

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Theland | 01:03 Sun 31st Jan 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
260 Answers
Nine and a half minutes. Very interesting.
Presented by Dinesh D'Souza, featuring Neo de Grasses Tyson.


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Theland,// evolution is in crisis. Look into it yourself. //

If you have something to say, say it. It's not good enough to tell people to search for something you're referring to - particularly when they have no idea what you're talking about.
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Two statements Naomi? They are self explanatory .
Nobody is attacking you by the way, apart from you being tedious!
And you're still at it. Third time today... but who's counting?
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Naomi, credit to you, you are consistent in that in every post you have nothing meaningful to say. Nothing to contribute, no ideas, just the same old nitpicking, sniping from the sidelines, nothing substantively scientific, theological or philosophical, not even sensible to spice up your monotonous criticisms.
Come on Naomi! Heres your big chance to shine!
At least post something , anything, with new information, a new way of looking at things, some new idea!
Climb the hills, don't wander around the valleys in perpetuity!
Haha! I don't have any new ideas - and neither do you. Never mind. Just keep putting the boot in, Theland. That impresses! :o)
Theland; I'm afraid that my view of you is that you are thick beyond belief. You are incapable of logical discussion. You think you know it all, but you know nothing. You can never defend your point of view apart from asserting your opinion without any supporting evidence. There is respect and there is politeness; I try to remain polite to you, but I have no longer any respect. Adios, old friend.
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Atheist - Just before you go, on the question of evidence.
I consistently refer to the latest science, albeit translated into layman's terms but valid nevertheless.
And do I claim to know it all? Not one bit!
But hey! A man's gotta do what a mans gotta do :-)

Naomi - the problem with your, '' faith '', in science, is that it has been knocked to shreds, but you don't accept it.
Your pride blinds you.
How on earth is evolution in crisis? Please explain
-- answer removed --
Theland, I have two questions (one, I can't find the post, so maybe wrong thread).

One here, is //Physical laws suggest a lawgiver,//

They don't. Maybe something doesn't survive if it outside "physical laws", which would be evolution, not intent. Noticing patterns, and calling them "laws" is a human thing.

Theland, //Naomi - the problem with your, '' faith '', in science, is that it has been knocked to shreds//

I don't have 'faith' in anything except myself but I'm curious to know why you think science has been 'knocked to shreds. Where's your evidence to support that?
Sorry, I can't find your other post now. Could you please repeat what you posted about micro,macro evolution and not crossing species?
And whilst you're about it, Theland, please explain why you think evolution is in crisis. This is the third time you've been asked.
// Third time today... but who's counting?//
er you are Naomi
o god (*) I cant stand this gormless dialog masquerading as repartee. thank god (*) it is not about a serious subject seriously debated - phew!

(*) sozza god and andie
//I cant stand this gormless dialog masquerading as repartee. //

Stop spouting it then, pp.
//// Third time today... but who's counting?//
Who are you quoting, pp?
He's quoting me on an unrelated subject, pixie.
I just saw that, naomi. It looked more ironic than literal, to me.
I expect he thinks that too - but then he is always irrational when he attempts to use my posts for his own purposes. No accounting for folk.
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I believe it was in 2016, (I'll try find a link), the worlds top evolutionary scientists held a conference precisely because they were not happy with their current theory of evolution and were looking for new thinking to modify it to suit their latest research in the light of new scientific advances in dating etc.
After a few days of discussion, the conference broke up, none the wiser, and still in crisis.
Because it is a pseudo science!

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