Anneasquith, //Nailit, I think you would get a better audience in religion topic. This thread is just a simple ‘ happy Easter’ to other abers .//
This is the religion topic - and the OP is rather more than just a simple Happy Easter.
//Alleuia. God 1 Satan 0//
Does no one find it odd that God is in competition with Satan, who we’re told rules the earth? I mean, how does Satan rule the earth with God being almighty and all that? Wouldn’t you think a sensible and all powerful God would just zap the troublemaker out of existence and be done with it? It was a bit of a palaver anyway having himself born on earth and then having himself killed in order to save us from his own wrath when he could easily have sorted it in a much more pleasant manner. A gruesome plan that didn’t work anyway. The majority of human beings don’t believe a word of it.
Christian festivals were aligned to Pagan festivals in order to tempt new recruits to the new religion without completely abandoning the old ways - and what an offer! The add bonus of cheating death! What’s not to like?
Happy Easter.