Theland - // I am trying to speak with others who just may be interested. //
Then you are clearly on the wrong site.
All the years you have preached (and preach you do) on here have produced precisely two reactions.
One is occasional contributions from your fellow fervents, who like you, make no effort to engage, simply shout into the ether and ignore or patronise any responses they don't like, which is all of them.
The other, which is the majority of traffic on your threads, is abject rejection of what you say, followed by serious attempts to get you to engage and explain, all of which are met by either being ignored, or you patronise and then attack and are snide, and then claim you are under attack for your beliefs.
Surely even you must realise that no-one on here is interested in your pontifications, and you would be better aiming your need to be noticed somewhere else.
Continuing the way you do can only be simple attention-seeking, which is not something your god approves of.