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The Jews In Prophecy.

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Theland | 23:35 Sat 24th Jul 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
242 Answers
The bible explains Gods dealings with the Jews from their father Abraham right up to the present day.
Whether they like it or not that are Gods witness to the world.
Searching the scriptures reveals the truth or falsity of the prophecies concerning the Jews.
This is something lost on the mainstream churches.
If you doubt this will you check the evidence for yourself?


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Your post perfectly illustrates how neither of you know the history of the Jews.
You talk each other up, and the layman on here could be forgiven thinking you were well read authorities, when in fact you are devoid of knowledge regarding prophecy or history.
Carry on with your subterfuge, and remain in ignorance.
Oy vey! three thousand years of persecution, and you vant evidence !
Is asking for something to examine too close for comfort, Theland?
Back in your box, Hymie. Your accent's terrible! ;o)
What a load of twaddle.
Cant give ONE verse.....just one?
Theland, you say the evidence is there we say it isn't. Logic would dictate that we cannot prove our statement but you can if you're right, so why won't you?
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Leviticus 26 outlines promises and warnings by God to His people.
They disobeyed, the punishments followed.
Thats a threat....
Not a prophecy
Disobey me and I will knock you into shape is not a prophecy...
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Why do you think the prophets were called, erm, prophets?
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Come on mate get with the programme!
Remember all those repeated bible readings you tell us you studied for so many years?
This should be easy for you :-)
\\ Why do you think the prophets were called, erm, prophets?//

Therein lies the total nonsense, they weren't called prophets, they called themselves prophets. That's why nothing they prophesied, in spite of what you believe and don't forget a belief isn't a truth, ever occurred.
Do you believe that Jesus was the Messiah as prophesied in the Old Testament?

Do Jewish folk believe that Jesus was the Messiah as prophesied in the Old Testament?
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Corbyloon, yes I believe it.
Question Author
Some messianic Jews believe. Others not.
They missed Him first time around.
Theland, point me to the fulfilled prophecy in Leviticus 26.

//Some messianic Jews believe. Others not. They missed Him first time around. //

That is grossly misleading. Messianic Jews are very much in the minority. Jews do not believe that Jesus was the messiah. They didn't miss anything.
So Leviticus is a prophecy?

(Verse 27 & 28 )
//If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me, then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over.

The Jews went on to crucify God's messenger (Or God himself, if you are a Trinitarian), Jesus!
And God punishes them by rewarding them with their own land?

How does that work then?
Israel is a Jewish community, not a Christian one.
Weird prophecy that one. ..
// Why do you think the prophets were called, erm, prophets?//

good question - actually I thought to hard for the average ABer
well they werent of course, there wouild be a hebrew word
the greek translcation ( LXX ) used propheetees

and did the meaning in 336 BC ( estimated date of translation that is!) - differe from AD 0 - ( that is Jesus ' time you know)
and now?

yup - howdja guess ?

are you suing the buble in a way it was never intended? yup howdja guess?
Deborah, the prophetess, ( Numbers I think) sat under a tree and never gave tips for the 3-30 at Kenton Park ....

leviticus isnt a prhphetic text - even I know that
Levi - gives the game away - isnt it a book about priestl practices

and excuse me - no one was a trinitarian at the time of jesus crucifixion. ( bit like saying Galileo approved einstein theory of relativity)

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