Theland - // So Andy, given your close proximity to a believing Christian, you must know what makes a Christian? Yes?
And you must know that a true Christian gets instruction from the bible? Yes?
And the bible instructs us to deliver the Good News by whatever means? Yes?
So your wife would agree with me? Yes? //
My wife is far too well-mannered and socially aware to imagine that adopting an arrogant and snooty superiority to anyone who does not believe as she does is anything other than boorish, pompous, small-minded, intolerant and ignorant - all the things which, as a Christian, she is not.
If my wife had evidenced one percent of the obsessive, domineering, chippy, sneering, arrogant, nasty, pompous, dogmatic ignorance that passes for 'Christianity' from some of the posters on this site, I would not even want to be her friend, far less her husband.
Fortunately, because she is a Christian in the proper sense of the word, she accepts my non-belief perfectly happily, she does not feel she has to 'share her good news' with me every minute of the day, and we have an adult acceptance of the simple fact that not everyon is required to think as she does.
Hope that helps.