//It appears you do not (or don't wish to) believe in hell//
Just asking you to justify such a monsterous doctrine."
Well, clearly, as a Christian, I dont believe it is monstrous whatsoever. The only monstrous thing is that hell is completely avoidable (because of God's sacrifice) and yet many choose to reject it.
//Answers to your question have been given//
LOL, Yeah right!" They clearly aren't the answers you wanted, or hoped for. It's a pity- yet there's still time for us to repent.
//If you have made the decision to reject the Bible as truth//
Havnt made any DECISION. Just evalliuate the facts." In that case, my apologies. I had jumped to the conclusion you were an atheist, not an agnostic. If that was a wrong interpretation, my apologies.
//why does the concept of hell bother you???
Like to know where my mum and dad are. Does that bother you?" I understand how you must feel- I have lost one of my parents recently too. But, its not for you or I to judge where they will spend eternity- that is between them and God. My responsibility is for my own salvation. And who knows what goes on between the soul and God in the last moments? The dying thief on the cross being a prime example. It doesnt sound like he had led a blameless or selfless life, yet he was blessed with eternal salvation because He didnt attempt to justify his history (how could he?) But simply accepted the work of Jesus- 'Remember me Lord.' We have all sinned, and come short of His glory- thank God that Jesus came to save sinners. Millions have turned to Him, even on their death-bed. If we accept Him as Saviour, we have nothing to fear. What greater love could a Man have than to lay down His life for His friends? Still; I dont know if any of this helps, but sincerely wish you all the best with your seeking.