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End Of The World Again

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nailit | 19:18 Sun 27th Feb 2022 | Religion & Spirituality
68 Answers
bet evangelicals are wetting themselves with excitment...


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books I am doing Books beginning with B in Gutenberg
tried le suicide by Durkheim - yeah D I know

did a bit of Crime and Punishment but Jesus these russian authors are so glum
The Russian authors had a lot to be glum about. Not much rapture there.
glummer in Ukraine I think
Have you watched the news lately?
If it was 1992 just 30 years ago we wouldn't be having this conversation. That should tell people something
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//If it was 1992 just 30 years ago we wouldn't be having this conversation. That should tell people something //
40 yrs ago (when I was a high school student)
We were having this EXACT same conversation.
Middle spreads of newspapers were full off what to do in a nuclear war.
Then came AIDS.
Gods wrath on gays and all that...
Previously, both world wars were God's end times and so were all major wars before that.
And the End times visited us with the Spanish Plague and all all Plagues before that.
The End Times have been upon us for Perpetuity!
I said 1992 for a reason. We had witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of Communism in Eastern Europe. People were writing books about the end of history and the triumph of liberal free-market capitalism. They were wrong we are fall from the final state of history
I wouldn't put it past Putin to (try to) start WW3. The guy's a lunatic. Whether his military would obey is a different matter.
fiveleaves, //I expect the Rapture to happen any day. What is wrong with hope? //

What is wrong with hoping for the world to end and for millions upon millions to die? Are you serious?
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// Are you serious?//
Makes me question the state of mind of such evangelicals naomi?
Unhinged doesnt even come close.
Billions of unbelievers suddenly burning in eternal fire and tortured for eternity?
What kind of mind dreams up these sadistic philosophies?

Says more about the devout than others!

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Noticable that fiveleaves hasnt answered how the 'rapture' will soon occure, but could be in 1000 years?

No doubt theres a Biblicle verse for that (& I know the one)
Theres all ways an out with people that defend the Bible.

Takes your mind off your troubles though.
//Makes me question the state of mind of such evangelicals //

I seriously cannot understand how anyone can hope for the end of the world and all the death, destruction, suffering and abject misery that would result. I just can't. Acceptance of that simply isn't human.
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// Acceptance of that simply isn't human//
(death, destruction, suffering and abject misery)
And yet we are all going to burn and suffer in an unrelenting hell, for eternity, for not believing as required......

Today is the first anniversary of the death of my mum.
Christians expect me to pay homage and worship a God that is now torturing my mum in some unimaginable fire pit? For the 'sin' of being an unbeliver?

Are these people for real?

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fiveleaves, please answer....
If you dare!
Was there a point to this thread or was Nailit just poking the sleeping bear?
Nailit, There is a difference between the Rapture and the End. The Rapture could happen any second, but there is a millenium period (1000) years when Jesus rules on earth before the final battle and the End
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Please explain to me your eschatology because its all over the place.

//but there is a millenium period (1000) years when Jesus rules on earth before the final battle and the End//

So are the 'Just' raptured prior to that?
//The Rapture could happen any second//
Prior, during, post??

Have you taken even a second to really look at your own beliefs?
Ive asked many a christian to give me just one realistic scenario about the end times. Not one has answered my questions,

What happens when you die? where are you at the moment of death?
If an unbeliever then you are in hell. If a believer, then in heaven.

So (According to the book of Revalation) you will then be ressurrected (No mention by the way of those that have been cremated) and returned to your physical body.
You will then be judged worthy of eternal life (which you already have anyway by virtue of already been in heaven)
Or be cast into a lake of fire for all of eternity
( Along with other loved ones)
And thats after been in hell anyway for..err, eternity!
Oh hang on! Im in hell for eternity before been cast into a second death which is also eternity.

Man, this stuff gives me a headache trying to figure it out?
Perhaps I only need faith.
Oh!, wait a minute.
Faith is a gift of God.
And thats only if he gives it.
stuffed then...

// We had witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall,//
1992 - - - - er 1989 - - bitta time stretch there

and wot wiv all the death and destruction at the end of the world
hullooooo- it is the time of resurrection of the dead ( jesus ) not the final interment

if you are gonna criticise the Book of Revelation ( not my fave I admit) at least read it first. I prefer 1 Corinthian 15 - "how can we believe in resurrection of the dead if Jesus our lord had not come to life after death?"
.Perhaps I only need faith.
Oh!, wait a minute.
Faith is a gift of God.

hey come back - you have missed: For there are these three things that endure: Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is Love. .1 Cor 13

can we have less home spun theology made up on the trot
and more patristic fathers? - - St paul et al

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