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Why Would You Believe It

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nailedit | 19:46 Sun 29th Jan 2023 | Religion & Spirituality
48 Answers
The New Testament expects us to believe that a man was raised from the dead after been entombed for 3 days.
Why would anyone just believe this?
And if we don't, then we are all doomed to hell?



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Lee Strobel is not quite what PsalmEquipt would have us believe. He is a prolific author of religious works that don't stand up to critical scrutiny. Nevertheless he is now estimated to be worth in the region of $8 million - so rather a more lucrative career path than that of a journalist.

When you want to learn, PsalmEquipt, it's a good idea to investigate even that which doesn’t suit your agenda. That way lies informed judgement.
Naomi, how does your take on The Ressurection sit with your belief in ghosts?
It doesn't sit at all, zacs. The claim made is not that Jesus came back in 'spirit' but that he actually came back to life.
Yes, of course, but I was talking about the basic concept of ‘belief’. Why would you believe people can come back as spirits (whatever a ‘spirit’ is) and not believe that the son of God came back to life? Where does the line of belief lie between saying you believe one incredulous thing but not another?
I don’t have a 'belief', zacs, just experience of some odd occurrences. My experience also indicates that people who have been dead for several days don't come back to life.
You certainly seemed to believe a few years ago:

I find it very strange how people can partition their belief in irrational things. It’s almost as if they had some sort of predjudice.
Zacs, the very reason I put 'belief' in quotation marks. 'Ghosts' for want of a better word are not something I 'believe' in without some sort of validation. I know from experience that things for which there is currently no rational explanation, happen.
‘ I know from experience that things for which there is currently no rational explanation, happen’

So why write ‘ naomi24 People don’t come back from the dead’?
Because they don't - unless you know differently?
Then what are ghosts? Or does your partitioning of belief go as far as to split people coming back from the dead into spirit form and physical form?
I've no idea what they are.
Why would anyone not believe it, it is religion. The truth is that the story was embellished to enhance the mystique of Jesus. His body was stolen from the tomb therefore he arose from the dead.
That's not right, William. His body wasn't stolen. He was alive. People saw him, and touched him and spoke to him.
But I find today that most people don't know what the Bible was written for. It wasn't written for written nothing, that's for sure! It was written for people who had faith in God's word, simple really.

Hebrews 4:12 says For the word of God is alive and exerts power+ and is sharper than any two-edged sword+ and pierces even to the dividing of soul* and spirit,* and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.
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// You may enjoy the 2017 Universal movie, The Case for Christ based on the true-life story of Lee Strobel, an award-winning investigative journalist at the Chicago Tribune, and his wife and daughter. Lee set out on the most ambitious endeavor of his career: disproving the historical validity of the resurrection of Christ. He interviewed world-renowned academic experts from various fields to bring facts and evidence to light//

A Christian fundamentalist who interviewed other Christian fundamentalists.....
(But NEVER interviewed Bible scholars, just other apologists?)

Read his book book years ago. More holes than a colander.

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People like William Lane Craig or N.T Wright are not
Bible scholars btw.
They are fundamental believers and apologists for the faith.
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//and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart//
Pray tell what is my intention and thoughts?
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//Nevertheless he is now estimated to be worth in the region of $8 million//
As Always....
Follow the money!

nailedit, welcome back to R&S. You've been missed.
I'm putting it out there, he wasn't dead but merely resting after a few upsets in the days before.

The Judean Peoples Front were known for their lack of stethoscopes.

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