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Something went wrong the first time I tried to post this, so if it comes up twice, my apologies.
Luna, I'm not sure I know what you mean when you talk about our spirits evolving through the bodies of others? Do you mean reincarnation, when a soul is reborn into a new body in each new life? If so, then according to Buddhist philosophy, there is no limit on the number of times a person will be reincarnated. A soul continues to be reborn into various lives until it reaches perfection, or nirvana.
Fairkatrina, how do you know he was possessed? What did he do - and how did you deal with it? Can you try to describe it - and what it did? How do you know the grandfather was there - did you see him. Please tell us more.
Theland, the information you're quoting was written by an ancient scribe, who couldn't have known a great deal about it because Jesus spoke to a ghost - Moses. Moses had definitely died, because the bible tells us he died (Deut. 34:5). Can I just ask you Theland, why is your religion so full of gloom, doom and fear? I'm not being facetious here - I really would like to know. There seems so very little happiness in it - apart from the presumed joy of going to heaven once you're dead and if you're lucky. The whole of life for Born Again Christians seems to be shrouded in dread.
Mani, if you've never seen a ghost, why do you believe in them, and do you think they're all bad, as Theland does?
Fingerprint, Thanks for that. An interesting theory. I don't go along with the idea of ghosts from purgatory or hell, because I really do think those concepts were specifically designed by man to implant literally 'the fear of god' into people's minds, but it's interesting nevertheless. I'm not quite sure what I was supposed to learn from the experience - or if indeed I was supposed to learn anything - but what I did learn is that there is far more to life, death, and the