I reckon people quote the bible, chapter and verse for a number of reasons. It may be learned behaviour from home or church - ie. perhaps everybody does it there. It may be that they use Bible texts in an almost superstitious fashion - believing the words will have some magical effect. There's sometimes a bit of arrogance by some who can quote Bible and verse because it shows they know the Bible and that they've learned vast chunks. I can't remember items on my shopping list, let alone a vast number of verses in the Bible. There are a number of people who quote Bible and verse in order to convert people. I find it quite dreary really. Regarding my own faith, I'd rather live out my beliefs in a positive and realistic way - embodying various teachings from the Bible and otherwise. I certainly don't like the idea of regarding every person as a potential convert. I'd rather accept people as they are. It's all about living and learning from each other rather than trying to bash people with bible quotes.