What do you believe in in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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What do you believe in

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Lonnie | 19:53 Fri 23rd Mar 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
44 Answers
Do you believe in God?.

Do you believe in a benevolent or an unforgivng God?.

If your a believer, and practice, why is your religion the
right one?.

If your a non -believer, why?.

Enough questions to be going on with, I think.

My own belief, after being brought up in a strict religious society, is that there may be a creator, seeing how everything natural fits together like a jigsaw, can't make my mind up, but I definately do not believe in a benevolent God.
Every living thing on this planet, has to eat something thats either alive, or has been alive, and that, to me, if we were created by a benevolent God, is the sickest joke around, that, and supposed free will.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I dont believe in God for the same reason that I dont believe in the tooth fairy, santa claus, peter pan or the easter bunny. Of course we cant DISPROVE that santa doesnt actually exist, the same with God.But the likely-hood of him existing is so remote as to be ridiculous...same as God
I don't believe in god because there is not a shred of evidence that stands up to scrutiny and all difficult questions put to religious types are evaded or given non-answers such as it is a belief system and therefore needs no proof.
In answer to your first question - No, I don't believe in God.

And in answer to question four....

Being a non-believer is the default position. We come into this world without even a concept of religion or a supreme being so to ask why be a non-believer makes no real sense. A proper question would be to ask 'Why believe?'. The burden of proof lies with those who claim that there is something to believe in.

I don't believe in God for the same reasons you don't believe in Zeus or Odin or Baal or elves or goblins or the tooth fairy or Father Christmas. My list of non-belief just so happens to include one more myth than yours.
Damn it, I've just read Wizards answer.
I wasn't copying, honest guv.
PMSL@ Llamatron
If there is a creator, then it's not a 'him', and it's not especially concerned with the arrogant, self-obsessed beings on our little speck of a planet, or with their petty transgressions.

I don't believe in the stereotype benevolent 'god'. He's man made - and if we are to believe the believers, he's not benevolent at all. He's selfish, arrogant, egotistical and incredibly cruel. As I asked in a previous question "Is religion the devil's little joke?" (and I don't believe in him either - 'religious' man is more likely to be the real devil than any supernatural power). Isn't it easy for churches to say, "Well, god gave us free will", and then in the next breathe, "If you use that free will and do something that goes against our teaching, then god help you"? With that philosophy, they have it all ways. The whole thing is filled with guilt and fear, and I'm convinced there's much more to life, to nature and to the universe than people who have found religion will admit to. Their god is nothing but medieval superstition.
Good question Lonnie.

I believe in God. I can't give you a scientific answer for why I believe in God or provide you any proof of God's existance because my belief in God did not come from any type of academic study or rational process. My belief in God comes from being touched by God and from having a very real and everyday relationship with God. (I know Wizard is cringing reading this!!)

I'm actually convinced that anyone who had lived my life and had my experiences would believe too - and I can see why it is hard to believe when you have not had these experiences and are looking at the faith issue from a rational perspective. The next logical question to ask is why everyone has not had the same experiences - I don't know and cannot answer that. Maybe some people will have it when the times right or indeed never have it at all, my Father was a harcore Athiest all of his life until a couple of years ago when he found God and he's in his 60's. I know that it's easy to look at Christians and see their faith as brainwashing or a comfort blanket through difficult times but the truth is it really goes much deeper than that.
Llamatron - I just read your answer, and that's an excellent question. 'Why believe?' How about making that a separate question?
Fingerprint - you say you are convinced that anyone who had lived your life and had your experiences would believe, but how do you know what life experiences people have had? I don't think we can assume that just because they don't talk about it, their experiences haven't been as profound as yours. They may just have handled it differently.
Having been close to death on two occasions, i would dearly love to belive in god and the afterlife, but i have never found any proof that they exist, all i have ever been told is to read the bible, that is not enough for me, a few days ago i read wizard69s answer to a question about religion, it convinced me that the truth is what i have always really believed, that God and the afterlife does not exist,
cj69 - you're right. Difficult questions are evaded - consistently.
Hi Naomi, we must be sad to be on here at 10:00 on a Friday night!!

What I meant by that was for me there is not a doubt in my mind that God exists because he is so real in my day-to-day life, the same as he is for many others. (am I starting to sound like Theland?) I know that I can never compare this to other people's profound experiences because I have not experienced them, but I can't believe that anyone who had experienced what I have could fail to believe in God.
Naomi - I suppose my belief that anyone would feel the way I do given my experiences is based upon my experiences of human behaviour and human emotions. It's a bit like saying I don't know how much pain you have felt in your life but if your Mother died like mine did I have no doubt you would feel extreme hurt and emotional pain.
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Thanks for your answers,.

I'd thought about asking 'Why believe'?. but thought the opposite would be better, just a question of perception, looks like non believers in God outnumber believers.

Some very good and non confrontational answers here, unfortunately, have to go to work now, but i'll give some more in depth replies tonight.
Fingerprint, the only reason I'm on answerbank late is because before bed I come to my study to switch the computer off - and can't resist having quick look to see what the gang are talking about - and then can't resist adding my two-pennorth! Same in the mornings. I check my messages - and can't resist looking to see what's going on!!

I do understand people having faith in god, but I can't see how any rational person can go along with the trappings of organised religion. I have lost both my parents - and they suffered dreadfully. It broke my heart, and still does - so I know what you're saying. However, whilst my inner spirituality was at that time, and still is, a great comfort to me, I didn't need rosaries, images, biblical tales or priests. Christians seem to have such a limited point of view. They revere their 'teachers', who in reality have no more idea of the truth than anyone else; they set some on thrones to lord it above others, dressing them in elaborate costumes and calling them 'holy'; they invent stories to fit their doctrine, they make saints of, and venerate people who have done some terrible things, their churches are rich whilst people in the world are starving, and they restrict god to a set of man-made rules. And now we have the Born Agains with their speaking in tongues, fear of the devil and threats of eternal damnation - and to my mind, nothing is more evil than their teachings. None of it is necessary. People can believe in a god without all that - they only have to look at nature and the universe - and they'd probably find a far more personal and spiritual relationship with god if they did.

And not to worry, you're not beginning to sound like Theland! Wonder where he is? I do hope he's alright.
Good Morning Naomi, I actually have totally the opposite view to you. I think that organised religion is very important in bringing people close to God and I have seen how extremely dangerous unorganised religion is firsthand. Without guidlines and tried and tested theology you really have no idea if what you are worshipping is good or evil.

I suppose this all depends upon if you believe in the devil or not, but if you do then you have to accept that the devil can very easily trick you into thinking the feelings you have are something else when they are really him.

I also think what you say about the Church is just not true. Organised religion is important because it brings communities together, my local Church do amazing work in the community, they feed the homeless, run classes teaching free computer skills, run a money club that saves people from rutheless debt collectors - they really improve people lives. In many poor communities this is even more important.

As for teacher lording it over others and wearing elaborate clothes thats not true. Maybe their are some examples of this but very rarely. A few weeks ago I offered an old sofa to some Nuns who live closeby but they reused because part of their faith is that they are not allowed to have any type of comfort and only sit on hard chairs. Most religious leaders take vows of poverty. Just take a look at the BBC website about the Bishop of Bulawayo who is encouraging Zimbabweans to take to the streets to overthrow the government, the Church leaders in Zimbabwe are literally putting their lives in danger to try and build a better future for the country.

I don't think Christianity restricts God or has man made stories, and I don't really see the Born Agains as being evil - maybe just a bit fundamental.
Hello Fingerprint, How is the theology tried and tested? Theologians can work until the cows come home, but proof still eludes them. Likewise, you have faith, but faith isn't proof. You say without organised religion we have no idea whether we are worshipping good or evil. I don't understand your reasoning there, but I do know that the bible says "Beware of false prophets". How can you be sure that your leaders aren't exactly that - and that the devil (as you believe in him) isn't tricking you? Men decided upon the doctrine of Christianity - that's historical fact - so it is not god-given at all, and I much prefer to trust my own judgement than that of other human beings.

You say stories are not invented, but in recent history a pope declared that Mary the mother of Jesus - still, according to the church, a virgin despite having given birth to several children - had ascended bodily into heaven, and that story is now part of the church's teaching. Where on earth(?) did he get that idea? I don't suppose it really matters, because in the late 1800s the pope's word was decreed - by men - to be infallible, so like the church councils, he can make it up as he goes along - and no one can argue with him.

I don't deny that some churches and some orders of nuns do good works, but it's the hierarchy I'm getting at - the people who make the rules. You say elaborate clothing is rarely worn, but that really isn't true. Think pope, cardinals, bishops, priests - and the Archbishop of Canterbury and all his subordinates too. Our local rector wears his fancy clothes for every service.

continued .........

continued ................

As for the Born Agains - they aren't 'just a bit fundamental' - they're downright dangerous. Any church that can fill the heads of impressionable people like Mani with such unspeakable rubbish isn't exactly full of Christian kindness!

Personally, I don't believe Jesus, a Jew, ever intended a new religion to spring up, and I think he'd be appalled at what has happened in his name. From the few examples I've given, I'd say there is more evidence of false prophets than otherwise.

Incidentally, I admire the good work that the churches in Zimbabwe are trying to do and I do know something of it - my friend, a missionary, was hacked to death there.
I believe there is a creative energy that permeates throughout everything.(Sorry for using the word "energy", I know the science police will be along in a minute to tell me to define that particular word).
Who or what created that energy- I don't know.
I also think our physical representation on this planet is not isolated to this planet because the beings/entities that help design the human are before Earth. We are just one of many universal races.
All religions have been twisted from their original purpose to control people on this planet. I can't really say whether all religions are man-made because there may of been or still be a collective reasoning/law that is practiced by cultures on other planets but not following the same concepts.
I think we have been put on Earth to experience physical life and our path (From life to death and then who knows) has a free will to do whatever we want while here.
I personally do not follow religion but as you can see have ideas on it's basis for being part of peoples everyday existence.
As said before, I do not need a building , book or others to validate my spiritual perception.
Luna, that's exactly what I think. The universe holds more than we can ever imagine. Humans seem to voluntarily confine their minds to that they've been taught and refuse to think any further or to broaden their horizons . Well put.

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