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Hello Theland and Luna, Although I've always had friends, deep inside I'm a loner so have always felt 'different'. I had three nervous breakdowns and took medication for years, but one day decided the only person who could help me was me, so I ditched the medicine and decided to say 'sod it' - and mean it. When Luna's 'Blighters of Bleak' raise their heads, I know I can't change them so I feel sorry for them for being the way they are. I don't agree with counselling - it prolongs the problem by encouraging sufferers to concentrate on their misery. Medication helps when you're seeing the world through the wrong end of a telescope, when your hair feels like it's standing on end, when you're whole being is weak and sick, and when everything around you looks like a film in which you have no part, but the way I fought it was to muster up my inner strength and my inner calm and spirituality, and try to appreciate how fortunate I really was. It's not easy to do, but you have to make yourself. I still have my moments, but I know I can't resolve problems from the past - they're gone.
Incidentally, back to feeling different. I went to a school reunion and one girl said "I always admired you so much because you were different to anyone else, and I always wanted to be you." Me? Why would anyone want to be me? I was astonished - I had no idea - but it shows that the world doesn't see you as you see yourself, so there's hope for us all!!
Keep getting better won't you - and keep strong. Don't let anyone get you down, because people generally just aren't worth it!! xx