How strange! It looks like we are almost in agreement for a change!
As a Christian, and just as a voter in this democracy, I would like to see the abortion issue revisited, because I feel that the life of the unborn child is sacred. But before, or rather not to go into that issue too deeply, I have to defend the right of the Cardinal to lobby on issues as he sees fit, using his position and influence to add weight to his argument. The C.B.I. do it all of the time to lobby politicians for business interests, and the unions for workers interests, so the Cardinal is not out of order at all.
This is democracy in action. However, I strongly support Jakes observation that Church of England bishops sit in the House of Lords as of right, "Their Lords Spiritual," and yet have no democratic base for so doing. It is as anarchic as hereditary peers and should be stopped.
So jollygreen, you have raised two important issues, not one, and as a bonus, you have got Waldo, Jake, and me all in agreement on at least one of them.
And, on a seperate issue, I need lots of tea and sympathy, after having an accident in work last night, and had to go to hospital for twenty stitches in an arm wound. So all say, "Aahh .... poor thing, let's be nice to Theland."